The Devil's Kiss

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Riona's POV
"It's quite scandalous if you asked me." I said to Dolores, my school friend, on the phone.

"No, wait, what is it called again?"

"'Lolita,' Published back in 1952. At first it seems a little puzzling, but you'll get it." She thanks me and that was the end of our conversation. I hear a knock at my door and let the person come in.

"Hi sweetheart." I place my book down and gave him a slight frown.

"Hey dad." He could tell I wasn't happy with him. Since that morning I haven't been acting the same around my parents. Not as happy as I was before with them. The only reason why I'm acting like this is because I'm not getting my way with what I want, Ponyboy and the clothes that express who I really am. Yes, I sound like a little brat, but can you blame me?

"I feel like we haven't really sat down and talk about things like we used to. Get in our pajamas, sit on the couch, and watch football."

"You do love your Cowboys even though we're from New York." he laughs and sits fully on my bed with me.

"Mom is the one being tougher with you two because she definitely knows more about this stuff than I ever will. I have my thoughts too and you know by now that I don't like that Greaser." I nod and lay my chin on my knee.

"But with you being a hippie minus the drugs, I accept that." I look at him with unexpectedness in my face.

"So what you're saying is that if you had the dominate choice you would let me have my other clothes back and let me be myself?"

"Yes. I already tried talking to your mother about it and she thinks I've gone mad. Other fathers aren't like this nowadays. They want our children raised old school, be like us, and think that this whole new style is ludicrous. I don't see the problem with it. All these hippies are asking for is peace, love, and time for change. Heck, if I was your age again I would totally be one." I chuckle and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Well what about Isobel? She's no hippie, but she does love her greaser clothes."

"I've been contemplating about that. I'm not so sure on that right now, but I'll give you and her an answer soon." I smile and hear someone at the door.

"Are we expecting anyone, dad?"

"Well-" I hear the voice of my mother, another woman, another man, and all too familiar voice that makes me dread having my ability to hear. I run to the stairs and Isobel is already there looking down at the family that just entered.

"Girls, could please come down? James and his parents are here." my dad was out my room before I could even saying something to him.

"I bet you $10 that they're going to bring up Greasers, specifically our boyfriends." I sadly nod my head as I make my way downstairs with her. All we had to do to convince them was to smile, but make it look real, of course.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Carson." I shake their hands and lead them to my dinning room.

"That skirt makes you look so hot." I roll my eyes and try to get away from James.

"Really? That's the best you got?" If Isobel starts up now there is no stopping her. For me this means I have to sit between the both of them. We all sit except my mother because she setting the food down on the table and bringing out the bottles of wine.

Goal of Tonight: Scarf down as much of my dinner as I can and leave!

Isobel and me start immediately eating. I look at her and she gave me a look where she knew I was thinking the same thing. A warm, big hand is placed on my mid-thigh and starts rubbing my shaved skin.

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