My Girl

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Ponyboy's POV
"Can you tell I wanted new clothes?" We laugh and I let Riona in. I took some of her bags for her and put them on one of the dining chairs.

"My mother is going to freak...but I really don't give a shit." I laugh and sit next to her on the couch. I've never seen her like this. Her stomach was even showing, but that didn't get in the way of her being herself. I bet people gave her looks when walking here to my house. Riona, a hippie. I remember back what Sodapop said before she got here.

"Hey Riona?"


"Have you ever done weed?"

"Yup." She says without hesitation. For some reason I'm shocked. When I first met her you would've never thought she would smoke pot.

"What other things have you done?"

"Why you wanna know?" She gets a little snappy and I lick my lips.

"Sorry. I think I'm getting my period." Riona closes her eyes and face palms herself. I try not to laugh at her embarrassment.

"That you did not need to know. Just pretend that you didn't hear me say that I'm going to bleed from my vagina." I burst out in laughter and lay back on the couch. She has no problem with being open minded.

"Anyways, I have also done marijuana and..."

"And what?" She bites her lip and looks away from my eyes. She's very attractive when she bites her lip like that.

"And LSD."

"Riona, that stuff fucks you up!"

"Jesus Ponyboy! It was one time!" There was silence floating around the room and we were just staring at each other. If this was some cliche teenage love story I would dive for her lips and we'd be passionately making out. But this isn't a teenage story that's typically cliche as hell. This, my friends, is reality. Sadly.

"How about some music." I go to the little radio I had and turned it on. Elvis was playing. Jailhouse Rock, of course, but it was near the end. Riona jumps up from her seat when "My Girl" by The Temptations started to playing.

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day!" She belts out. I laugh and watch her dance.

"Ponyboy, get your ass over here!" I walk towards her and we start dancing.

"I guess you say what can make me feel this way. My girl. Talkin' bout my girl. My girl." I sing along while dancing with Riona. I spun her and even picked her up with spinning her. It was near the end of the song and we were catching our breathes. I put my forehead to hers and she had her arms around my neck.

Then I kissed her.

I backed up embarrassed and she looked at me like awkwardly. Why? Why did I do that? More importantly, why am I like this?

"Hey Loverboy." Sodapop says to as he walked in the house. He waved at Riona and gave her his famous smile. She did the same back to him and went to get her bags.

"Thank you Ponyboy for the time being." she walked out the door clearly embarrassed of our romantic moment.

"Riona-" before I could really say anything she closed the front door.

"Okay, what the hell happened?" he said to me as he sat in Darry's chair. I puckered my lips and made a kiss sound.


"Mhm. It only took one week for me to kiss her and I regret it."

"Fuck regretting it. You have a chance!" I walk to my room and Sodapop went on saying how I have a chance. I shut the door and lock it.

"Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?" I said to myself as I slid down my door. I finally found a girl who's new and blew it.

Yeah. Score for Ponyboy.

I think I'm over exaggerating on this. It could be worse. I've could've told her that I loved her. But that would've been a total lie.

I get up and grab "Gone With The Wind"

"I'm guessing the library." I nod to Sodapop and I'm out the door.
Sodapop's POV
I get back to the DX after my break and start working on a car with Steve. It was a warm day, but not to the point where you can say it was hot.

"How was your date with Evie the other night, Steve?"

"It was okay. The food wasn't great, but being with her made up for it." He may look like a douchbag at first sight, but he's grateful when he has someone.

And I'm still a single Sodapop.

"Can you turn up the radio, Soda?" I did and the song "Gloria" by Van Morrison came on. I start to sing along and move my butt. I hear a snicker behind me and I snap my head back.

Holy shit!

"Hello there." Steve says. The girls just waves and walks closer.

"I'm Gloria." My jaw hasn't closed yet. It's a hell of a coincidence that the song Gloria is playing and this beautiful stranger named Gloria came here. Weird world, isn't it?

"You new here?" I ask. I'm surprised I managed to even get words out my mouth.

"Yeah. Came here from Green Bay, Wisconsin." I smile at her and I guess my smile was contagious because her smile got wider.

"That's nice. Want anything?" She looks hesitant and decides she wants some gum. I bring her in the store and she gets mint flavor.

"I never got your name yet." I look down and start to get nervous. God I hope she doesn't laugh.

"It's Sodapop." She starts to laugh a bit and she stops when she sees me look glum.

"Oh my God I sound like such a bitch. I'm sorry." It was my turn to chuckle and I said it was okay. She pays for the gum, but decided to stay for awhile. She's middle class, but she rather hang with Greasers. I don't blame her.

"Here." She writes down her number and address for me. I smile and she waves goodbye before leaving the gas station.

I walk out and continue to help Steve on a car.

"So?" He says. I hold up the piece of paper and wink at him. He laughs and claps his hands for me. I take a bow, grab a tool, and got to work.
A/N This is shorter, but oh well.

Ponyboy be making his move and Riona is like "okay. The fuck just happened?"

New character: Gloria Burkhart! Young Mila Kunis (when she was on "That 70's Show) is playing her.

Sodapop got a girl. Dally needs to work Isobel.

Peace, Love, Rubber Glove

1965//Ponyboy CurtisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant