Cookies outfit

Cookies outfit

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Sky's outfit

Jeremiah's outfit

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Jeremiah's outfit

*10 minutes later**during the car drive to Lucious house*

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*10 minutes later*
*during the car drive to Lucious house*

"Damn how much longer till we get to his damn house." Skylar whined. "I don't know probably not until another 20 or 30 minutes because he lives on a secluded property to avoid the paparazzi" I said. "Damn that take to long, I don't even want to go" she whined again. "Yeah I know you don't wanna go but your going, he's your father and your going to have to get to have to get to know him sooner or later. Now while we are there try and behave and not cause any problems. Do you understand." I said "Yeah ma" Skylar said. "You to Jeremiah" I said "yeah ma I know behave I got it" he said. "Good" I said.

*25 minutes later*

We are just arriving at Lucious house and the shit is big

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We are just arriving at Lucious house and the shit is big. From the looks of the cars in the driveway it looks like everyone is here. We get out of the car and go to the door and Jamal knocks. Some old lady comes to the door whom I can only assume is one of Lucious maids. "Hey Juanita" Jamal said hugging her. "Hello Mr. Lyon come in" she said to Jamal.

3rd Person Pov

Cookie, Jamal, Jerry and sky all walk into the living room were everyone was. Jamal went to go sit near and Andre and Hakeem, while Jerry and Sky stayed behind Cookie on their phones. "Look who finally decided to arrive." Lucious said walking over to Cookie and checking her out. Cookie rolled her eyes "Your lucky I even came and convinced them to come too." Cookie said moving away from Jerry and sky so their presence could be known. They both looked up from their phones and saw all the attention was on them. Once Andre and Hakeem saw their faces they immediately caught but they were having a hard time trying to believe and even think it was possible. Cookie went to go hug Andre and Hakeem and say hey to her babies, then walked back to Jerry and Sky. Rhonda saw the shocked looks on Andre and Hakeem's faces and got curious. "Umm what's going on." Rhonda asked. Cookie looked at Rhonda then Andre and Hakeem and decided now was the time to tell them. "Well the reason I had Lucious get you all her was because I have something to tell you all something. This is Jeremiah and Skylar your brother and sister." Cookie said. Rhonda had a shocked look on her face and so did Andre and Hakeem, because even though they suspected it having it be confirmed is different. "But how." Hakeem asked. "Well when I went to prison I as pregnant and your father never bothered to visit me so I never bothered to tell him especially after he divorced me." Cookie said giving Lucious a side eye then continued. "So your Aunt Carol took them and raised them, she would always bring them to visit me whenever she could so they could always know me and where they came from." Cookie said and Andre and Hakeem both understood because they knew what it was like being raised by Lucious without their mother and they understand why she wouldn't want Jerry and Sky to be raised by him without her around. "Well I think it's cool I'm
Not the baby of the family anymore" Hakeem said. "Yeah I think it's cool to welcome to the family" Andre said getting up and hugging them.

Here you go guys part 1 of the Lyon family dinner. I apologize for not updating for a looooooong while I was kinda stuck and still am a little . Idk when I'm gonna update part 2 but hopefully soon. I just wanna say I love y'all and thank you for reading my book.

Ps. Anybody else feel like they about to die from anticipation from these empire teaser like omg I can't wait till march 22nd

- XOXO Kianna😘❤️✌🏼

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