Chapter Twenty-Two

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I opened my eyes, but all I could see was black.

Where the hell am I?

I stood up, pinching my arm repeatedly. If this is another dream, please let me wake up!

Suddenly, my dad emerged in front of me, some of the black disappearing. He smiled a little when he saw me, awkwardly walking over to me.

I backed away, hiding my face behind my hair. "Ashley.." He whispered, touching my arm.

"What do you want?!" I snapped, shoving his arm off me. I don't trust him, he fucked up everything.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry. It's all my fault that you're here.."

"Where am I?" I asked, looking around again. All I could see was my dad and darkness, there was no light.

"We're both dead.."

What?! I don't think I heard him right..

"What? No, that's impossible, I have to protect Andy and Leda!" I screamed, burying my face in my hands. Did I really fail, after I promised him I would come back?

"I'm sorry son, it's my fault. I was just so angry about losing your mom, that I was blinded with anger. I did some incredibly stupid things, but coming after you for stupid powers that don't even matter is unforgivable. I'm sorry. Taylor killed you with the stake you brought. And them after I confronted him, he killed me as well.." He trailed off.

Tears streamed down my face as I thought of everything I had left behind. Leda. I would never get to see her take her first steps or step onto that yellow school bus for the first time. And Andy.. My blue eyes. I would never get to slip that ring on to his finger and grow old with him. I had left them alone..

I slumped down to my knees, screaming into my hands. I'm so fucking stupid! I'm so weak, I let Taylor kill me with his own weapon!

"I'm sorry Ashley.. I will never forgive myself.." My dad spoke, tears falling from his eyes.

"Ashley?" A woman voice called out.

She stepped into my view, smiling when she noticed me. "Mom?" I cried, running into her arms.

"Ash! It's you!" She started to cry, kissing my cheek. "You've grown so much!"

She pulled apart, her eyes widening when she noticed my dad. "R-robert?"


They ran at each other, their lips smashing together. He spun her around in his arms, both of them crying tears of joy.

He set her down, wrapping his arms around her. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

"We're dead.." I trailed off, my head filling with sadness once again.

"Oh.. but Ash.. You don't want to go back?"


"Of course I do.. but I can't.. I mean, I'm dead."

She let go of my dad, a small smile forming on her face. She placed a hand on my shoulder, her eyes full of hope.

"Honey, how many of your powers have you discovered?"


She smiled bright at me, her eyes glimmering. This wasn't at all like the mom who was trapped in my head before, this was the old mom I had been longing for.

"Well, I'm guessing you didn't know that you're third power is a wish. Any thing you want, you can get it. Just one wish."

"Wait.. I can still use this wish now?"

She nodded, her smile growing larger and larger.

I.. I can go back. I can see my baby girl again.. I can hold Andy in my arms. I can save them..

"Oh my god!!!" I screamed like a teenage girl. "How do I use it?"

"Just close your eyes, count to 20, and then wish out loud. It's that simple."

"Wait.. can you guys come back with me?"

My parents both looked at each other, communicating without speaking. Kinda like what Andy and I do..

"Well, we would love to, but we have to stay here. It's a very risky thing coming back from the dead that can mess with the circle of life. Our time has come, but yours hasn't. You promised your mate you would come back, now fulfill that promise." She spoke.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Ash."

I hugged both of them, not wanting to let go.

"I'll see you again some day.."

My dad toke my mom in his arms, waving farewell to me. It's going to be a long time, but eventually I'll see them again.

I took a deep breath, shutting my eyes. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20.

"I wish to be alive again, to go back to where I was before I passed."

My parents disappeared in front of me, white light blinding me. I was approached by my favorite blue eyed angel once again.

He flapped his wings, flying down to meet me. He stroked my cheek, gazing into my eyes.

"I'll see you soon my Ashley.."'he whispered before snapping his fingers, the world white again.


I opened my eyes, once again in my old bedroom.

What just happened?

I turned again, Taylor and my dad both standing there. It was the same thing as last time, except this time, my dad looked.. changed. His face was soft, like he wanted to help me.

"Look who it is. Snooping around aren't you fag?" Taylor smirked.

This time, I wasn't afraid. I knew I could finish him. After you think you've lost everything you love, you look at everything differently.

"Do it." My dad mouthed, smiling at me.

"Bye Taylor." I stated, stabbing the stake into him before he could respond.

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