Chapter Twenty

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Time lapse- One week


Ugh. The day I've been dreading all week has arrived- I have to go to work. Jake said we have to start paying rent, so the other day I had to get my lazy butt up and look for a job. Eventually I found one.. at fucking Panera Bread. I can't stand that place, but they offered me a job and I need money. I just hate leaving Andy alone, it kills me inside. What if something happends while I'm gone? CC better keep his promise and look out for him..

"Bye baby." I kissed Andy's cheek before walking out the door, trying to forget all the worries in my mind.

Our baby is due in a week. I'm happy, and terrified. I made plans with Jinxx and Sammi to have Andy give birth at his house. Jinxx has a special room under his house that no one knows about, so it would be perfect. If Andy gave birth at the hospital, Taylor would know where our baby is.

After that. I'm just going to have to try to kill the defeaters. My dad included. I really need need to man up, I can't let Andy's nightmare come true.

I flagged down a taxi, awkwardly sitting in the back seat. I paid the man before jumping out, running into the Panera. Fuck, I'm late for my first day!

"You're late Ashley." My new boss glared at me. I don't like him already.

I rushed behind the counter, knocking another employee to the ground. "Shit! I'm sorry!" I spoke, helping the fertile boy up onto his feet.

"It's ok. Happens a lot, I'm really short. I'm Frank by the way. New employee?"

"Yea. I'm Ashley."

"Cool. I'll show you around."

Frank showed me where to punch in, where to keep my stuff, and where everything was.

"Thanks man."

"No problem. I've gotta go back to the kitchen now, talk to ya later."

I waved goodbye before walking up to the cash register where I'd be working. My boss handed me a name tag, his brown eyes glaring at me. "You can decorate it if you want..." He almost growled. It's weird, he's the first person I've come across in quite a long time who wasn't afraid of me.

I grabbed the piece of white paper, writing "Ash" out in bubble letters. I decided to draw a heart next to my name, writing "A A" in the center. I smiled to myself, pinning my new name tag onto my apron.

I helped customer after customer, trying to keep up with some very impatient people. Just when I was getting the hang of things, Frank came up behind me, knocking the soup I was holding to the ground.

"Fuck!" I cried, the hot soup had splashed onto my arm.

"I'm so sorry man, I was in a rush!" Frank said, helping me wipe up the spilled liquid.

I tried to hold a grudge, but it's hard to stay mad at Frank.

"Someone is on the phone for you.. they said it's an emergency."

"Thanks.." I said, taking the phone from him. Please let Andy be ok..

"Ashley!" A stressed out Jinxx said into the phone.

"What happend?" I asked, thinking about all the horrible things he could answer with.

Andy's dead..

Taylor toke him..

The baby's dead...

Andy's gone..

Please none of those...

"Andy's having the baby!!!!" He screamed into the phone.


"Holt shit! I thought she was due next week!"

"She is, but I guess she decided to come early.."

"Oh god, where are you?!"

"We're at my house, we're putting him in the secret room under my house. We called a doctor and he's on his way."

"I'll be over as soon as I can!"

I threw off my apron, grabbing all my stuff from my locker."Where do you think you're going?" My boss snapped at me.

"I'm sorry but I need to leave! My mate is about to have our baby!"

"And you think that's a good excu-"

"MY MATE IS FUCKING GIVING BIRTH AND I'M NOT GONNA MISS IT!" I screamed at him, running out the door before I could hear his reaction.

Lets hope I didn't just loose my job on the first day...

I quickly flagged down a cab and in a few minutes I was in front of Jinxx' s house.

I ran up to the door, knocking as loud as I could. "OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" I yelled.

After a few seconds, Sammi opened the door, pulling me inside.

"C'mon.." she said, quickly leading me downstairs to the hidden room. I ran down the stairs to see Andy on a mattress, his face drenched in sweat. There was some doctor there, giving him instructions. Poor baby, pushing a baby out of your ass isn't easy.

"Andy!" I cried out, rushing to his side.

"Ashley!" He whimpered, "I'm so glad you're here!"

"It's time to push..." the doctor said.

I kissed the top of his head, trying to calm him down. "Andy, you have to push baby.." I held his hand tightly as he let out a big push, screaming in pain.

"I'm sorry it hurts.. you're doing great.." I whispered in his ear.

He let out another big push, tears slipping from those bright eyes of his.

"Good job. I can see the head.." the doctor said. "Another big push.."

Andy screamed at the top of his lungs, his nails digging into my skin as he let out another push.

"One more!" The doctor called out.

"You can do it honey!" I cheered for him, rubbing his hand.

"FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Andy screamed as he let out his final push.

"Done!" The doctor spoke, snipping the amblicol cord. He set our baby girl down onto a table, her lips silent and her eyes shut.

He just stood there, waiting for her to move.

C'mon baby girl you can do it.

You're strong, you can do it




I breathed a sigh of relief as she let out a big cry, her eyes fluttering open.

The doctor wrapped her up in a little red blanket and handed her over to Andy. He cradled her in his arms, a tear slipping down his cheek. Her eyes were the same beautiful shade as Andy's, my little blue eyes.

I rested my hands on Andy's shoulders, tears of joy falling. Andy kissed her little cheek and she stopped crying, staring back at us with her big blue eyes.

"You wanna hold her Ashes?" Andy smiled up at me, his face full of pure happiness.

"I would love to."

I carefully scooped her up, cradling her small body. "Hey there." She smiled back at me, her bright little fangs showing.

This is the best feeling ever, our baby girl is here. And I will protect her with all I have in me.

I carefully handed her back to Andy. She gurled with happiness, nuzzling into Andy's chest.

"She's very healthy, congratulations. What are you going to name her?" The doctor asked.

Andy and I looked at each other, smiles still glued to our faces before we both recited the name we had chosen at the same time-

"Leda Willow Purdy."

"Great name choice..." the doctor said. I should probably learn his name at some point.


"Yeah Andy?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We're a family now.

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