Chapter Twenty-One

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Time lapse- One week

(Sorry for all the time lapses)


(Andy's POV)


I blinked my eyes open, slowly sitting up. Ash, Leda, and I were still staying in the room under Jinxx's house.. and we plan to stay here until we somehow get rid of the defeaters. How we're going to do that? I have no idea...

I got up off the mattress (Jinxx had set up some stuff for us) and walked over to Leda' s crib. She was crying her eyes out, clutching the Batman doll I had given her.

"It's ok baby.." I cooed, scooping her up out of the crib. She rested her head on my shoulder, letting me know she was hungry

"Go ahead." I said, stroking her black hair. She lined her little white fangs up to my neck, pushing them into my flesh. She sucked my blood until she was full, smiling up at me.

I love my little girl. I can tell she's special, there's just something about her. I know that most parents think that about their kids, but this is different. I can see it in her eyes, she's something special.

I crawled back into bed, bringing Leda with me. I checked my phone, the time blinking "5:06" on the screen. Better get some more sleep, today's gonna be a long day. Today is Leda' s original due date, the day the defeaters are coming.

Ash wrapped his arm around me in his sleep, snuggling into me. Leda beamed when she saw Ash, crying out "Daddy!"

Because of all the gracium Leda has in her, she has super powers just like Ashley. And we already figured out one- she's super smart. She can already say lots of words even though she's only a week old.

"Mommy!" She cried, crawling back into my arms. She laid down on my chest, resting her head on my shoulder. I watched her big blue eyes slowly shut, a little smile stretched across her face. I wonder what she's dreaming about...

(3 hours later)

I woke up to someone kissing my neck, their warm lips leaving hickys on my skin. I opened my eyes to see Ash staring back at me, licking his lips. "Good morning beautiful." He pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed him back immediately.

Someone's being extra nice today..

"Go- d mrning-g A-ashy." I said in between kisses. He stroked my cheek, his expression full of happiness and a hint of sadness.

"Where's Leda?" I asked, starting to panic.

"She's asleep in her crib."

"Oh..ok that's good."

He went back to kissing me, the kisses becoming more urgent. Like it was some sort of goodbye..



"Why are you acting like you're never going to see me again?"

"I'm not..."

"Yes you are! Why?"

"I'm just savoring this moment with you. I just- I have to go hunting today.. and this hunt isn't going to be easy.."

"No Ashy! You can't.. No.." I cried, clutching onto him tighter. Was he suggesting that he thinks he isn't gonna make it back?

He cupped my face, resting our foreheads together. "Listen baby.. I'm going to try my best. For the two people I love more than the world.."

(Ashley's POV)

I held Andy in my arms as we ate the breakfast Sammi had brought us together.

I don't want Andy to know this, but I'm scared. Actually, terrified. I know, I'm a dom with super powers and anger issues who shouldn't be afraid of anything. But I am. Those defeaters scare the shit out of me. They seem to know my weak spots, and they always get what they want. Well that's not happening this time.

After a few hours, Jake arrived and came downstairs with Jinxx. They were going to be joining me on the hunt, and surprisingly, I was more scared than they were.

"Time to go Ash." Jinxx said, waving to Andy who was cradling a sleepy Leda in his arms.

"No Ashy I don't want you to go.." Andy whined, his lip quivering. I wrapped my arms around his skinny frame, gazing into his eyes. "I will be back Andy. I promise. I love you so much."

"I love you more." He spoke against my lips, closing the gap between us.

I kissed the top of Leda' s head, once again telling both of them how much I love them. I never get tired of saying it...

I joined Jake and Jinxx, waving one last goodbye before stepping back into the sunlight. It's time to be brave.

We had plenty of stakes, and of course our hands. You can't kill a vampire with a gun.

We walked over to my dad's house, where we figured he would be. I have to kill my dad before he kills me first.. there's a plot twist.

Too bad we couldn't make a dramatic entrance like Taylor did to us. My powers are pretty lame compared to his, but I haven't gotten my third one yet.

Jake picked the lock, allowing us to slip inside. All the lights were turned off, weird.

We crept into the living room, raising our stakes high. It was empty. Where the fuck is he?

We decided to try upstairs, slowly climbing the stairs. I entered my old bedroom, and all the memories came flooding back. It was like an old home movie was playing in my head. I remembered all the great times we used to have before my mom was killed.

The time we all went fishing..

The day my parents bought me my first bass...

All the love. There was so much in my dad back then, and now it's all gone..

Wait? Does my dad know that Taylor is the one who killed my mom? Maybe that will turn him against him..

I turned around, coming face to face with Taylor and my dad.

"Look who it is. Snooping around aren't you fag?" Taylor smirked.

Anger bubbled inside of me, my fists clenching. "Dad. Did you know that Taylor is the one who killed mom?"

He looked taken aback, his eyes widening. I guess he didn't know. "Is this true?" He glared at Taylor.

"Yea.. so?"'Taylor shrugged. Son of a bitch.

"What the hell!" My dad growled, punching Taylor square on in the face. This is my chance, I can kill Taylor and maybe even get my dad to turn good again.

I slipped behind them, preparing to stab Taylor in the back. Just when I was about to, he turned around, slapping the wood from my hand. I tried to grab it, but he beat me to it.

"Nice try." He smirked. Before I could respond, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down to see see a stake sticking out of me, Taylor smiling at me.

"No! Ashley!" My dad cried, rushing to me. The world started to go blurry, a single tear falling down my cheek.

Andy.. Leda...

I closed my eyes before slipping into darkness, my mind blacking out.

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