First Catch

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I decided to make a small fire from two stones for a short time since I was cold. It took me quite a while to start it- twenty minutes to be exact. Once I had my fire going, I sat down beside it, opened my bag, took out my book and started to read again.

I had only read a couple sentences when I heard a rustling noise in the distance. My heart leaped to my throat. Thinking it could be a werewolf, I immediately put my book back and stomped out the fire. I jumped on it and blew on it like a maniac to put the rest out.

I quickly stuffed all of my belongings into my backpack and put it on my back. In the distance I heard a loud growl. It was so terrifying that I literally jumped in the air and screamed between gritted teeth. I froze because now I knew that he or she knew where I was. I heard two more howls at the same time. There was two! The new howl sounded less frightening and more... scared.

I jumped and grabbed a branch off a big tree. With a grunt I pulled myself up. I was trying to do what Mason did. I started searching for my gun that I found in my belt loop that was, thankfully, already loaded with silver bullets.

Suddenly I froze as I heard a low, deep, and threatening growl below me. With my heart filled with dread I turned my head to look. I was sure I was dead. But as I looked I saw that there were two down there. The one on the left had it's gray, ugly fur all messed up and clouded with mud, sticks, and leaves. It had its right ear missing and his eyes were tinted reddish. This was definitely a rouge. The one on the right had brownish, reddish fur that actually gleamed under the sun. Its eyes were brown and he looked in much better condition than the other werewolf. He was probably from a pack. The gray one had blood in his claws and all over his fur. He had a limp but that didn't stop him from growling back at him. The brown one had a lot of blood on his claws too, but not as many wounds.

And to my amazement, they weren't even looking at me. I didn't think they even knew that I was up here. That was quite a relief. But the feeling immediately went back to fear. There was still the danger of them finding me.

The brown one suddenly let out a growl. I shivered in fear with goosebumps running up and down my arms. I saw the gray one's ears flatten a little in anger but he still growled back. The brown one growled again but this time y u can hear the threat full force in his voice.

Then without warning the gray one jumped up and landed on the brown one. He dug his monsterish claws into his fur, making the brown one cry out. The brown one immediately twisted around and bit the other's neck. The gray wolf howled in pain and shook his head to try and get its teeth out of his neck.

While they were rolling around and fighting, I took my gun out. It was hard to hold with my sweaty hands. After a couple of deep breaths I aimed it below me at the fighting wolves. If Mason could do this, I could too. Now my hands were shaking as my finger tightened around the trigger. I hesitated. I was about to kill a living person. Did I really have the guts?

Yes. I could do this. I was already this deep in this supernatural business. I couldn't afford another fail. Without another thought, I pulled the trigger.

The only thing I felt was the whiplash of the gun as if jerked back and nearly made me fall out of the tree. The shot that rang out all through the woods made my ears ring violently. The next moment complete and absolute silence. Everything seemed to be stopped in time. Including me. I slowly lowered the gun, with my ears still ringing. The two wolves had both stopped.

Then the gray one reared up onto two paws, then immediately collapsed on his side. At the same time, the brown one looked up at me. I was scared by his eyes. They were filled with intelligence and knowledge, but they also had a fierce look. He slowly bowed his head.

He then sprinted off into the distance. I didn't bother to try and shoot him because he was probably a pack member. I had shocked myself at what I had done. I started to feel lightheaded but I commanded myself to not faint. I slowly climbed back down the tree while saying to myself, "Not faint. Do. Not. Faint. Not fainting. Not..." I shakily knelt by the wolf. The bullet had gone straight into the wolf's heart. My eyes widened. I hadn't even been aiming! That was incredible. There was a puffy red rim around where the bullet entered the wolf's heart. It took me a moment to figure out that must have been what silver did to a wolf's skin.

Now for the hard part. I took out my silver katana, which I had strapped across my back. I closed my eyes as I grabbed his front right paw and straightened out the wolf's leg. Then I raised my katana and, with one swift motion, I chopped off the wolf's paw. I could feel all the blood seeping into the fur and staining through my fingers into the ground. That should be good enough evidence to say that I killed a werewolf.

Suddenly I felt guilt hit me right in the chest. I just killed someone. I was a murderer! What if the other rogues came after me? Even worse, what about the police? No! I was a werewolf hunter and this 'were had killed way more people than I had. I used a leaf to wipe the blood off of the paw. I was a werewolf hunter and this was what I did.

Sorry it's short.
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