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Hello again! Merry Christmas to you! And a Happy New Year!

I could barely get any sleep last night. I was still very happy and excited that I actually had some sort of solid lead. Yesterday I paced the room, hardly keeping in my excitement. I had been searching for them for eight years and I have finally found something. You cannot imagine how happy I felt. I was grinning from ear to ear like a madman but I didn't care. Maybe one day I will actually find them. I know I was thinking to fast but I felt the best I have in years.

I jumped out of bed this morning (before my alarm clock, might I add?), nearly running out of bed, to get to my computer. I turned it on, yawning but with a smile on my face. I quickly typed in: South Dakota Wolf Attacks New. There was nothing new. I quickly left disappointed but covered that up quickly with a smile.

"Dana, wake up, lazy bones!" I shout. I heard another thud making me smile.

"You sound happy! Why?" she shouts back. I shook my head at her in amazement. Dana knows me that well!

"No reason," I shout. I wasn't going to tell her unless I have a real and solid lead that she would believe.

"Uh huh," she didn't sound like she believed it at all.

I got ready in a rush, with very high spirits. I felt full of energy and happy more than I've been in years. I changed into a gray long sleeve t-shirt with black jeans. As soon as I went down the first flight of stairs Dana's door opened. She looked at my outfit and shook her head but a look from me made her keep her pretty mouth shut.

Dana wore sandals, styled, leggings, a hard rock t-shirt from New York, and had her hair curled up nicely.

"You look nice," I said as we walked down the stairs. She gave me a weird look.

"Now I know that you're not yourself," she said seriously. I laughed happily. She gave me a very weird look but I went on as normal and asked her what she wanted to eat.


When I got to school today I was still in a jolly mood and my teachers were not going to take that away from me. As I sat down in my seat I could tell that my mood showed because all eyes were on me. Mr. Klaun looked at me suspiciously but started on with his class.

"Alright class, today we will be reading chapter 11 and chapter 13 which are about Zeus and his brothers Zeus, and Poseidon and the mortal Medusa and her immortal sisters," Mr. Klaun said, looking quite tired.

I happily opened my book and started to read. I couldn't quite stay focused and I kept looking outside. My mind was on more important things them mythical gods.

Luckily the class ended pretty quickly. As I got up to leave I heard our teacher say, "I would like to see Athana after class please." Many kids snickered in my direction while I let out a sigh. I wonder what he has to say. I tried to keep my head down as I walk out of the classroom but Mr. Klaun noticed and plucked me out of the group. I waited quietly as the last student leaves and Me. Klaun closes the door.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" he asked. I looked at him, shaking my head at him, disappointed. That's why he wanted to talk to me? How pathetic.

"That's what you wanted to talk about?" I ask. He gives me a confused look and slowly nods his head. I stand up from my chair that he so gracefully gave to me. I really hate him.

"Don't worry it'll be gone by next week," I said, seriousness in my voice. He gives me yet another confused glance and watches in amazement as I walk out his door. I'm not even a little bit scared of him. I don't want he messing around in my business. I'm actually doing quite fine on my own at the moment.


I got home and quickly took off all my layers of clothing. Dana followed suit. I raced up to my room leaving Dana standing there, shock littered on her face.

I found my computer opened and I frowned. I was sure I closed that this morning. I tried to turn it on but it was died. Giving a sigh of annoyance I quickly plugged it in and waited a couple minutes for it to turn on. As soon as it turned on I wrote what I wrote this morning, anxiously. It turned up nothing.

I don't know why I felt so upset I mean I had just got a lead but I felt like I was missing something. I felt like I wanted a sign. I knew it was weird but I felt like I needed some sort of sign before I did anything drastic. By drastic I mean drastic, way drastic.
Sorry it's so short. The next one might be longer.

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