"Where did you get these?" Prim asked.

"That's for me to know, and you to wonder about," I laughed.

"Okay now here are you assigned spots."


Cupid names:

May: Color Cupid (artist)

Viveca: Crowned Cupid (princess)

Noelle: Crystal Cupid (jewelry)

Avery: Camera Cupid (fadaye)

Prim: Cupcake Cupid (baking)

Cleo: Cutie Cupid (last name)


"This is cupcake Cupid," Prim said in my ear through the ear piece. "I am at Americas door. I am about to go in for casual investigation. Who copies?

"Crowned Cupid here," I whispered. "I am at Maxons door with Delancy fur investigation. Copy."

"Crystal Cupid here," Noelle chirped. "Voice monitor and camera have been placed in Anericas room for 24/7 surveillance."

"Cupcake Cupid here. The same has been done to Maxon."

"Cutie Cupid here. Cameras have been placed in the places the couple to be hang out the most."

"Camera Cupid here. Video cams are all connected to Vivecas tv."

"Affirmative," I stated. "Operation Cupid is ago."


"Hey Maxon," I greeted when he or ed the door. "You know how I'm like the gossip queen....."

"Yes?" He said hesitantly.

"Well..... I would like an inside scoop on what your thoughts of Carolinas newest couple," I said smoothly.

"Kenna and James," he asked confused.

"And there families," I cheered.

"Oh um....well. James is a great King. He has a bright mode and great ideas to better Carolina and all of Illea. Queen Kenna is.......very kind. She has adapted so well to becoming a queen and Carolina is lucky to have her. Um......the family too?"

I nodded eagerly.

"Well......um. Gerad, tho I've never met him, seems like a great little boy. America tells me he's athletic and um......Mays.....definitely.....exuberant. She is always so energetic and smiley, and sometimes I think shes going to burst from all that happiness. That's the whole family right?" He asked nervously.

Aha. Trying to avoid the topic I see.

"What about America?" I asked smirking.

"Oh.........um. Americas sweet and kind and she's really talented. And her eyes sparkle when she smiles and." I could faintly here May making gagging noises in the background. "And she's really pretty and........"

I quickly cut him off. "Thank you. All this information has been so helpful. Thank you."

I quickly rushed out of the room.

~oOo~ Mays pov ~oOo~

"So........Ames," I drawled. "What do you think of the royal family?"

"Why do you ask?" She wondered

"No reason," I said quickly. Oops. Too quickly

"Does this have to do with Maxon?" She sighed.

"So your on a first name basis," I cooed.

"May...no," she shook her head and gave me a disapproving look. "There is nothing going on between Maxon and I. We are just friends."

Her secretive smile told me everything I needed to know.

I pursed my Luis to keep the smile off my face. "Do you want there to be something going on between you."
I couldn't contain my excitement. "Do you want to be more then just friends?"

"May," she said sharply. "I am not going to have a gossip conversation with you!"

But even America The Greats Poker-Face couldn't contain her goofy smile.

Ohmigod!!!! My sisters going to be the next queen!!!!!!


"Ohmigod!!!" Cleo screeched. "They are totally in love!!!!!!"

"I wouldn't say in love," Noelle said trying to be rational.

"What do you mean not in love!!!!" Avery screamed. "Today during the meet on greet they were practically drooling over each other right in front of everyone!!!!"

"They are so in love!!!!" I screeched.

"Of come on," Prim said. "Sure they like each other, but I think your a bit biased."

"Biased. Of course I'm biased. She's my sister and Prince Maxon is the Prince!"
I stressed. "It's love at first sight! And saying I'm biased is literally like me saying that Cleo is biased about Viveca and Williams relationship."

"Slow your role!" Cleo screamed. "Your dating my twin!" She said pointedly at Vivi.

"Me and William are not dating!" Viveca sighed. "Let us steer this conversations back to America and Maxon."

We all sat and pondered what we were to do.

"I got it!" Viveca yelled. "I know my sister Delancy wants them to fall in love as much as the rest of us. What if we get her to ask Prince Mason on a date and she asks Maxon and America to come for "moral support"?
Then Delancy cancels at the last minute, when they are literally at the restaurant. Maxon being the gentlemen he is will buy America dinner. It's a date, but they just don't know!!!!"


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