Chapter One: "Waiting For Love."

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Dipper's (POV)

Love. A simple word. A word that can bring such heart filled moments, to hate and jealousy. A word that can mean something wonderful, or mean nothing at all. Love is just a word until someone gives it meaning, but when it comes to me, I'm still looking for that meaning. My name is Dipper Pines, and I'm a 13 year old boy in high school. I have a twin sister named Mabel, and she is always on the hunt for a boyfriend. Me on the other hand, I'm more of a loner. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to find love though. 

I never did have luck with love though. Mostly because I'm what you or most people would call different. I'm in to supernatural things, and even for my age, I believe in monsters. Probably because my home town Gravity Falls is a town filled with them. I moved to Gravity Falls about a year ago after my first summer here. Of course I made friends, and got a crush on a blonde headed girl named Pacifica Northwest. But to no ones surprise, she didn't feel the same.

Even so, I still wanted to find that special someone. Although my Grunkle Stan, said I should lie and fake confidence. At first I did what he said, but ended up in deep trouble with girls. It only made me feel more hopeless then I did before. 


I hear the school bell ring, and I head off to class. Everyday at school was the same. I see boys and girls alike getting together, whether they are friends or not matter little to me. All I saw was them enjoying each other's company. I sigh at the sight of those teens. I always wondered to myself what it would be like to have a girlfriend, or at least a good friend to talk to. But fate decided that I shouldn't have either. No matter how much I wanted it.

When I entered my first class of the day, Science, I saw teens laughing and sharing pictures on their phones, laughing and joking around. I roll my eyes and take my seat. It was lab partner day, but as always I worked alone. I would have been partners with Mabel but she doesn't have any of my classes. Apart from lunch but that's not really a class. Just saying. Even so, Mabel does try to give me advice on how to talk to girls and make friends. Doesn't mean it always works though. Sometimes I wonder if doing things by myself is all I'm good at. As I work at my seat in the back of the class, I heard two boys laughing. I didn't pay any mind to it though, kids laugh all the time in class.

But this time was different. They were laughing at me. I look up from my work to see that one of them had thrown a paper airplane at my head, and it got caught in my hair. How annoying... I sigh and pull the piece of paper out of my hair. I crumble up the paper and make an air shot into the trash can. Huh. Guess I'm good at working by myself, and air shooting trash in the trash can. I finish up the work that was assigned to us for the day just as the bell rang for study hall. As I walk out the class room, I see the same two boys who throw the paper airplane at me, flirting with two girls. One was a purple haired girl, and one was a redheaded girl. When I first saw the redhead, I found myself staring. 

She turned over to me, and smiled. I blushed, and covered my face with my books. I hear her and the other girl giggling as I walk away to the library. I take a seat near the front desk, and open up one of my books for English class. Just as I was about to turn the page, I hear the library door open. I turn and see the redheaded from before girl walk in. She takes a seat close to my table, and takes out her own book. Oddly enough it's the same book that I'm reading. "Maybe she has the same teacher as me?" I thought to myself.

Just a few minutes into the book, she looked like she was having trouble. I decided since we are reading the same book, maybe I could help her. I get up from my seat, and I walk over to her, and boy was I scared. I gulp, and spoke up, shuttering.

"H-hello?" She looks up from the book, and smiles at me. 

"Hey, what's up?" She greets.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be having trouble with the book." She nods at me.

"Yeah, I'm doing a paper about this book, and I'm supposed to find and list important parts, but I can't seem to find any." I nod.

"Well, I'm reading the same book, maybe I could help?" She smiles warmly at me. 

"Sounds good. I'm Wendy by the way." She holds out her hand to me. I shook in fear and grab her hand to shake it.

"I'm Mason, but everyone calls me Dipper." She giggles. 

"Okay well, it's nice to meet you, Dipper."

"Nice to meet you too, Wendy." I smile at her and she smiles back. I pull up a seat at her table and we spend all of study hall working together on her paper. 


Lunch was about to start, and we had just finished the paper. Wendy picks up her stuff and makes it for the door. But before she leaves, she looks over at me. 

"Hey Dipper?" I turn to her.


"Thanks for your help. I probably wouldn't have gotten done without you. Is there anyway I can repay you for it?" I just smile at her.

"Nah, don't worry about it, it's no trouble really."

"Well, at least sit with me and my friends at lunch." I blush but nod.

"Okay, I see you then." She nods and leaves the library. I grab my things and make it for my locker. After I put my things away, I wish myself luck and head for the lunch room. I hope Wendy and her friends like me. 

Author's note:

More chapters soon! 

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