The rebellious act

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I got on the bus today but Reid wasn't there again I sat in our usual seat alone. Feeling lost and sorry for my self he has been my light in the last month of darkness that is better known as punishment. Me and Reid are still together but its become secret as my parents must not find out. We have had a few arguments now. I want him to meet them and he's like fuck No!! We are getting there. I sit and dream for the next three stops and then we make a unusual stop on Riley's lane. I lift my head to see Reid getting on and the biggest smile spreads across my face as if all my Christmas have come at once. He takes the seat beside me and we start to chat. He asks me a question in which excites me but all so scares the shit out of me.
"Will you have sex with me?" He ask in a curious tone.
Shocked I sit there staring at him. Unsure of what to reply when he finally realizes that he is not going to get a reply he continues.
" will you have sex with me? Its what all people who love each other do. And I love you. Do you love me?" He says rather convincingly like he actually believes himself.
" If you do meet me at the park tomorrow morning. 8:30 sharp"
Still shocked just staring at him in disbelief about the question he has just asked me. For gods sake we are on a bus crowded anyone could have heard our convosation. We ride the rest of the bus trip in silence. Untill we reach the school.
"The boys are at the park would you like to come cutie?"
I sigh take a big breath in.
We head to the park and meet up with the boys but we happen to walk in on a conversation that I would rather not hear. From what I gather one of the boys got laid last night. But details of who aren't being offered up. I listen but kinda off in my own little world until Tyler asked me a question.
"What, yes sorry Tyler what did you ask me?"
"Have you ever given a headjob?"
I stare blankly at him for a minute.
"no" I say rather embarrassed.
" sorry." Tyler says with a apologetic half smile.
I think he realizes that he seems to ask the questions that make me uncomfortable. Dane pipes up.
"Charlie one last question have you ever given a wristie before? For that matter anything sexual with a guy?"

With a cheeky grin I correct dane.
" firstly that was two questions. And secondly why do you wanna know?" A little bit concerned about why he wants to know.

" oh yes good point. I'm just curious. So what the answer?" With curiosity clearly dancing in his eyes.

All alarm bells ring in my head. Should I lie to avoid being thought of differently or tell them the truth. I curse my self for being so shy.

"That was Reids cue to step in. And say guys that's enough. Back off a bit remember she's only 13."

"Almost 14" I correct him.

"Okay almost 14, do you wanna go for a walk charlie?" He says sounding hopefull.


He looks like a 6yr old boy who's mum said yes to going to wonderland. We start to walk and he apologize for the boys. Then asks me " if I would like to learn how".

"Umm, I don't know."

"What if I show you and you can decide".
"Okay but where?"
"Just up here a little bit further"

We walk until we come across a little wooden bridge it looks as if its seen better days with half planks here and there and no rails to hold onto. Reid leads me down the side of the bridge.

" I hope you aren't going to rape and kill me." I say as my voice begins to crack.

"Yes cutie that's exactly what I'm going to do." As he let's a belly deep laugh.

He continues down and sits up under the bridge. I can't see him now but I follow where he went under to find him sitting on the Ground smiling at me. He hold out his hand and I take it as he pulls me down to his Lap and lays kisses all over my face. I take a seat beside him.
" all you have to do is say enough okay cutie"
" okay"
As he pulls his belt undone and wriggles his pants down a little freeing his tool a little bit. He looks at me I nod telling him to continue. I can feel my heart racing. Im nervous and excited my blood is on fire and muscles in my lower body tighten. He pulls down his boxers freeing his throbbing organ.
"See what you do to me" he winks.
I staring at it just staring.
"You can touch it if you want" he invites.
I touch it a little nervous. He let's out the soft moan I pull back fast. Afraid that I have hurt him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Looking at me confused.
"You think you hurt me?"
"I'm sorry."
" wow slow down cutie. You didn't hurt me. It was a moan in pleasure". "Please don't be afraid" he says.
He tells me to cup my hand as if I was holding a ice cream cone and he places my hand over his impressive length and starts to move my hand up and down telling me that the fast I move the better and that his tip is super sensitive that I need to work with it. I move my hand up and down his shaft. Making him moan as he begins to move his hip in time with my hands the fast I get the fast his hips move in time with me. I slow it down again and run my nails up and down his massive dick. I go back to sliding my soft tiny hand up and down him getting faster and faster. He growls at me " I'm almost there don't stop Charlie's keep going. I take his balls in my other hand and rub while running his length  which is his undoing. I hot white stick liquid goes everywhere thankfully not on me. Panting so hard he manages go catch his breath.
"Wow, you said you never done that before?"

"I havent, ever".

"Wow charlie that was amazing"

He cleans himself up and we head back to school just in time. We arrive as the bell goes for rolecall. The boys are waiting at the front gate.
"We couldn't find you, we thought you had headed back all ready".
"No we went for a walk around the park". He says as winking at me and smiling like the devil.

I have the whole day to think about this morning and how much of a horrible person I am I went behind my parents back and now not only that I have to live with the fact that I just gave a handjob the the boyfriend that I'm not supposed to have. But it feels awesome. I feels great and its pretty cool breaking the rules.

Me and reid meet outside the school at the bus stop at the end of the day. He's not catching as he is going to Tyler's but he hugs me and say to think about the thing he asked me this morning and if the answer is yes to meet him at the park at 8:30 sharp hugs me and and so does Tyler as the bus arrives and I climb on I wave to the boys out the window......


What are your thoughts guys?
Who do you think got laid?
Do you think charlie is going to meet him?
Leave it in comments of feel free to message me about it.

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