Phone Call Home

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I come home in leaps and bounds today was the best day of my life topped my math exam and Reid made a massive deal about asking me out flowers and all. How dreamy right but its exactly what I wanted. Dreamy. I prance up the front stairs while singing out "Hi Mum, Hi Dad."

"Hey once you dropped your stuff in your room please come and sit on the lounge."

"Okay mum"

I skip down the incredibly long hallway to my ridiculously oversized bedroom drop my bag on my bed and skip back down the hallway to take a seat on the lounge.
"Hi charlie how was school today?"
"Skip any classes today?"
"What mum no"
"Don't lie to me"
" okay yes I did, it was just one and I'm ahead in the class anyway".
"That's no excuse!" "Who were you with?"
"No one mum."
"So a eighteen year old boy is no one", "were you sucking him off again?"
"NO", "I never did".

Me,mum and dad argue for 4hrs straight about what will happen if I skip school and end up with a low paying job. What am I doing hanging around with a older boy and that I am to dump him. Oh and let's not forget his age and the laws. That he can end up in jail for it all if mum and dad so please to report him to the cops I beg and plead with them for hours not to that he's really a good guy.

Dad was so angry and disappointed in me that's what hurt me the most not that they wanted me to dump reid but that dad was disappointed in me. He was the one person who's expectations mattered to me. But now well to him I'm nothing but a disgrace.

"Charlie go to your room and think of a suitable punishment, while me and your mum come up with some ideas on what to do with you."

I run down the hallway crying to the point where I'm struggling to breathe. Slamming the door behind me rocket launching myself onto the bed. I don't move from my room not even for dinner I couldn't stand to see him disappointed in me.

The next morning before school at the breakfast bar I'm munching away on coco pops head down and avoiding eye contact with mum and dad as the get ready for work.

"Have you thought of a suitable punishment?"
"I don't know"
"Well go on then what Is it?"
" No dessert for a month".
"Do you really think that's appropriate punishment?"
" not really that's all I could think of."
"I will tell you its most certainly not, you will hand me over your phone,laptop. You will receive no pocket money or dessert and you will only go from home to school and back again do you understand me" he said with authority.
"Yes dad" I say weakly.
Knowing well if I protest it will only get worse.
I hand him my phone and laptop and leave for the school bus not wanting to have to get a ride with dad but also to see reid. But he wasn't on the bus or at school.

Thoughts guys? Thank you all for reading. It means a lot to me. Love you all.

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