Recoiling in horror, Ariel shoved the man away from her. "Who the fuck do you think you are? "She snarled, bile raising in her throat at the thought of the strangers hands on her.

"The names Chad Daniels, sweet cheeks." Chad gestured to his name tag and Ariel realized he was the lone employee at the store. "What's your name, pretty girl?"

"Fuck off, chuck ." Ariel scoffed, moving further away from him. Peter wasn't back yet- he wouldn't see if Ariel wolfed out and threw Chad through a window.

"That's not my name." Chad smirked lazily, coming in closer again. "I don't mind baby, you can call me anything you want. Daddy, master... it doesn't matter because you'll be screaming it out by the time I'm done with you."

Ariel could hear a door close as Peter came back in the main room and mentally cursed herself. She should have dropkicked Chad to Syria when she had the chance. A greasy, pimple covered arm wove its way around her waist and Ariel shuddered, knowing she couldn't use her werewolf powers to get him off. While short, Chad was muscled and as a human 5'4 girl, she stood no chance.

"Get the fuck-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Peters loud voice rang out and suddenly he was grabbing Ariel and pushing Chad over into a rack of movies. Without his alpha strength, Peter had merely tapped him, but Chad tripped anyways.

"Hey it's none of your business, me and the lady were getting along just great,"

"Shut up you greasy toad." Ariel snapped. "The only place you were getting was closer and closer to a foot down your throat." She turned to Peter, who was staring at Chad with a thinly veiled rage. "Hey, lets go."

With a few more obscenities yelled towards Chad the pair left the store with no movies in hand.

"This place is sure getting a bad yelp review from me." Ariel joked, trying to lighten the mood. Peter didn't laugh, only tightening his possessive grip around her shoulders.

"I'll kill him." Ariel let out a nervous laugh at his statement, thinking back to Todd with a shudder.

"Hey why do you smell like burning electric stuff?"'Ariel changed the subject, looking up at Peter in confusion. Even with human senses, she could pick up on the arid scent that she was familiar with after years of watching her dad do electric work for the neighbors.

"Their bathrooms were quite the fire hazard." Peter smirked.

And as he spoke, the lights in Movies 2 C flickered ominously, sending shivers through Chads Daniels spine.


Peter was frozen, not knowing what to do. He had been comatose for 6 years and before that he wasn't the type to settle down. He felt like a trapped rabbit in a cage, completely clueless.

"I just- I just really l-love this movie." He reached out, patting a sobbing Ariel on the back. She was curled into a ball at the top of the bed, crying into her hands as the ending credits of a bootlegged Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone played on her laptop. After quoting practically every line in the movie and narrating to a listless Peter, she had lost it at the house ceremony.

"Uh- there, there?" Peter attempted to comfort her, not liking seeing his mate cry but also wanting to run out of the room. Emotions weren't really his thing.

"I'm sorry. I- I- yeah." Ariel wiped her eyes, sniffing. She was a very passionate fan of Harry Potter and seeing the first movie when his biggest issue was a weird guy wearing a turban was heart wrenching. She looked at the uncomfortable Peter with a grin. "You look utterly clueless. Ever comforted a crying girl before?"

Peter snorted. "Never." He sent Ariel a coy smile, slipping his hand into hers. "You're the first one I've cared enough about." While Ariel was having a mini heart attack from his sweet words, Peter checked the time on his phone.
Noticing, Ariel pouted.

"You're not staying to watch the next one?" Peter looked down at her regretfully, wanting nothing more than to stay curled up in bed with his mate. But he had something to do.

"That would take away from the next six dates." He kissed her forehead. "And we can't have that." Peter climbed off the bed and slipped on his shoes. Ariel frowned. She didn't want him to leave. It felt so nice and normal with him around, something she treasured in the calamity that was now her life.

"Let me walk you out."

The two made their way out of the empty McCall household, hand in hand. Ariel was elated in the newfound physicality of their relationship, finding herself craving his skin on hers. Peter felt much the same, yet was trying to keep his distance as to suppress his hormonal need to claim her.

"Sure you don't want to stay for another movie?" They reached his car, Ariel reaching her arms around his neck for a hug.

"I can't." Peter wrapped his arms around her waist, not letting go even after she tried to pull away. He stared down at her, no expression on his face. The lure of her supple flesh and willingness to his needs was tempting, but Peter had something he needed to do. Shaking his head, he leaned down, nuzzling Ariels neck. "I'll see you again soon." Being so close to her, breathing in her heavenly scent of lilacs and jasmine, Peter found himself unable to let go. His attention was drawn to her face, the wide brown eyes, the pert nose, the parted lips.

Ariel breathed in shakily, her eyes glued to Peters face. He was so handsome in the moonlight, his high cheekbones, lips twisted in a smirk, his gorgeous sky blue eyes.

Before she could stop herself, Ariel blurted out what had been bothering her all night. "Where are you going?" It wasn't that late at night, not even 9 but Peter looked grim when talking about where he would go. It filled her with a sense of uneasiness.

Noticing the shift in Ariels attitude, Peter frowned. "I have to run some errands for my family." Sensing that Ariel was convinced, he relaxed. "I will miss you dearly."

Before Ariel could respond, Peter was leaning in, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. Immediately she slid her arms around his neck, pulling him down towards her and deepening the kiss. Peter gripped her waist tighter, pulling her closer to his body. He had kissed her to shut her up and take away her suspicion but now he didn't want to let her go. He was finally kissing his mate, finally marking what was his. She let out a little sound of content and he laughed into the kiss, finally pulling away and staring into her eyes.

Ariel was on cloud nine, in the arms of the man she was wildly attracted to and had just shared the best kiss of her life with. Her tattoo tingled pleasantly as she stared at him, a smile on both of their faces. "I'll miss you too."

Peter grinned, kissing her one last time before bidding her farewell and driving away. Ariel stood in the driveway for a while longer, an overjoyed smile on her face. Her fingers brushed where Peters lips had been, reliving the kiss. All worries were forgotten once he had held her and she slipped inside,ready for a night with dreams of Peter and Harry Potter.

And as Ariel McCall lay nodding off to sleep, Chad Daniels took his last breath.

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