ch. 4 (my turn to play)

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ch. 4 - my turn to play


"Hey, guys! You know how to do quick hits?!" Tanaka asked his teammates.

"Quick hits?"

"A fast attack, just like what you two made!"

"Not at all. All I've ever spiked are balls that get tossed high up," Hinata replied.

This made my eyes twinkle in mischief. So, this guy just moves purely on instinct? I can use that to our advantage.

"We've never gotten coordinated. A fast attack is impossible," Kageyama replied.

"Tch. Nothing my training regimen couldn't handle," I said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone but the first-years cowered at the mention of my training regimen.

"This isn't like you, king," Tsukishima mocked.

"I'll spike it past you. Wait and see!" Hinata shouted at him.

"There you go again, all psyched up. Just getting psyched up isn't going to make things right. Some people aren't cut out for some things. Clearly, you're not cut out to become a spiker."

This is the second time he mentioned 'getting psyched up.' He must've had some issue with it, or something.

Tanaka and I snarled at his words, but Daichi held us back.

"That's true. Even when I was in junior high, I would jump and jump, but I kept getting blocked. Height is needed for volleyball. No matter how high I jump, I can't get past their overwhelming height. But, I want to be like Little Giant. So, I don't care if I'm cut out for it or not. I will win this battle with this body, and stay on the court for as long as I can."

"But you don't have what it takes. This isn't a matter of psychology. You can't make up for your height with feelings. If you could play libero, that would be a different matter."

Kageyama, who was silent the whole time, spoke up. "To break the wall for the spiker, that's the setter's job."

We were all taken aback at him. He then dragged Hinata away from the net, which worried Tanaka. Looks like they're finally planning what they're going to do.

I opened my clipboard, and continued to write down my observations and deductions.

Tanaka's team went to their positions on the court. Kageyama faced away from the net, and pointed to his left. I sweat-dropped at their signal.

Needless to say, they have no coordination whatsoever. Hinata wasn't able to spike Kageyama's tosses. Was that first one just out of pure luck?

Kageyama and Hinata started to bicker, which irked the hell out of me.

"Kageyama, you're repeating what you did in junior high," Sugawara interrupted.

"Hinata has the reflexes, speed, and the springing power. If he can get used to it, he can do the attacks," Kageyama explained.

"But, Hinata's weapon, which is his speed, your toss is killing it, don't you think? Hinata has no technique and no experience. He's not an outstanding player who can match your ability. But, his potential is there." Kageyama looked at him with his cold eyes. Sugawara started to sweat, and crack. "If you can do can...sync with Hinata's"

I sighed at Sugawara. To save him from his misery, I said, "What Suga-san is trying—but failing miserably—to say, Kageyama-kun, is that you have to adjust to Hinata's abilities. It is difficult for him to par with your abilities, because let's face it, he sucks." In the background, Hinata became ghostly white and faints. "What you can do is to use his abilities to your advantages."

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