ch. 3 (side-comments)

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ch. 3 - side-comments


During morning practice, I yawned here and there, but none of them were suspicious for they know I go home late due to my work. Tanaka and Sugawara, however, were receiving odd looks because they look tired as hell.

I was able to sneak some coffee, but it failed to keep me awake during classes. Oh, well. I can just cram my work as usual.

It is now time for lunch. Sugawara accepted Hinata's request to help him with his serves. I tagged along, since I wanted some company, and so that I can also help Hinata with his horrible serves.

As I took a bite of my food, I scribbled down some notes and answers onto my notebook and homeworks, respectively. In the background were the sounds of the volleyball softly being hit back and forth. This eased my tensed veins, helping me focus on my work.

Thank goodness I'm an expert at cramming. Who knew I would be at the top of my class, considering my ungodly schedule, which consists of late-night shifts at the restaurant, tutor sessions during volleyball practice, and having to wake up early to be able to be in time for morning practice.

My friends have told me time and time again that I need to take a break from all this strenuous activities that I've been doing. I always reply with a scoff, saying that I can handle all the workload.

But, they don't know that I sometimes cry myself to sleep because life is hard.

It's not Mom's fault she's sick, and it's not my fault I'm sick. It's not our fault we can't afford the expensive medicine. It's not our fault we can't pay the bills.

I blame my biological father, who must be having fun right now in America. Seriously, the nerve of him leaving us to fend for ourselves. Yeah, sure he sends money to us monthly, but that's just enough to pay for our tuition and our basic needs.

I took it upon myself to work in two part-time jobs. I can't just sit here, waiting for something to happen. If you want something done, go do it yourself.

I sighed, and massaged my temples. "Son of a crud! To whoever said that math is fun, you deserve the Death Penalty! 100 push-ups! 100 sit-ups! 100 squats! 100 diving exercises! 100 block-follow exercises!" Sugawara and Hinata just sweat-dropped at my outburst.

"Hinata, drop your waist, and hit it like you're sending it right back in the direction it came from," Sugawara advised.

"And focus!" I added, not looking up from my work.


"Hey, Hinata, you want me to toss to you, starting tomorrow morning?" Sugawara asked.

"Really? You will?" he eagerly reaplied.

"I'm the official setter of Karasuno, you know. You want to practice spiking, right?"

"Oh, yes. I love spiking. It feels great when it works, and it's awesome!" Hinata gushed. I smiled and faintly nodded. I know, right?

"Sounds like you got spiking memories."

"Yes. All three years in junior high, there was no setter or anything. I was the only club member."

Hinata then spilled his whole life story to us. I partially listened to him, partially struggling to finish my homework.

"I wondered what kind of setter I'd have in high school. I was looking forward to it...before I got here," he solemnly said. He must be talking about Kageyama.

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