Chapter 20

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I opened the fridge and grabbed like 5 sting cheeses and took them with me to go sit in the living room. It's almost two and I couldn't sleep so I decided to wait up for Mattie's dad. He was sound asleep upstairs so I came down and am currently eating cheese while scrolling through my messages that I haven't answered. I had about ten messages saying Merry Christmas Eve from yesterday and then a few from other Alpha's and Luna's congratulating me on my child. I put my phone down when I heard a car coming up the driveway. I got up and walked to the door, turning the porch lights on and opening the door. I smiled as Alpha Ryan got out of the car and came up to me.
"Alpha Ryan." I smiled. He pulled me into a hug and shook his head.
"You can call me dad Everest." I nodded as tears came to my eyes.
"I'm so sorry darling. It's a terrible thing to lose someone you love." He whispered. I nodded and smiled at him as he released me from his bear hug.
"Thank you." I whispered. He nodded and picked up the bags that I hadn't noticed he dropped. "I'll show you your room." I waved at him to follow as I went up the stairs and down the hallways with the extra rooms. I opened one of the doors and turned the light on.
"Here you are." I smiled. He nodded and thanked me, putting his bags down and closing the door.
I went back down the stairs and got all of the presents that I had hidden in the back room, putting them under the tree. I went back up to my room and laid down, out of breath. I put my hand over my small bump and smiled, falling fast asleep.

"ANGELLLLLL!!! WAKE UPPPP!" I jumped up and looked around, trying to find the source of the screaming. I narrowed my eyes at Mattie as he began to laugh at me. I growled and threw a pillow at him.
"What?" I asked.
"Well. You needed to wake up so we could open presents." He said.
"You're such a kid." I giggled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.
My mom, Jaylen, Jacklen, Carmine, and Mattie's dad were all sitting on the couch. Jaylen and Jacklen were bouncing up and down while Andrew was sound asleep in Carmines arms. I smiled and went and sat down with Mattie.
"Alright! Lets get started!" I yelled. Jaylen and Jacklen began ripping through their present as my mom and I laughed at them.
They awed at there new toys and clothes. Thanking mom. She smiled and kissed their heads.
"Merry Christmas my darlings." She said.
"Merry Christmas mom." They both said back, sitting down with their toys.
I stood up and went over to the tree, pulling out the bag of present I had bought and handed them out. My mom opened hers and smiled at me. I had gotten her an all silver ring, my dads favorite color, and in the box was a second ring that I had gotten that was a white gold color, which was her favorite color.
"The silver one was yours and the white gold was dads. I bought them before he passed." I said quietly.
"I love it. Thank you Everest." She smiled at me, a sad smile, but her eyes were happy. I nodded and Carmine opened her present.
It was a gold necklace that said survivor.
"Thank you." She said.
I got Mattie a new sweatshirt that hers on it and I have the one that says his. He laughed and kissed me.
"Thank you angel." She smiled. I giggled and nodded.
Everyone else opened their presents and we all took our stuff upstairs. I walked into Jaylen and Jacklens room and saw them playing with their toys.
"Alright guys. Come on. Time to get dressed." I said.
"Why?" Jaylen asked.
"We're having a party for Christmas. There will be some other alphas and Luna's here. So we have to get dressed." I explained. She sighed and they got up, both running to the closet.
I grabbed Jacklen's bright green dress and handed it to her so she could get dressed.
"Now. Jaylen." I said. "You have a choice. Would you like to wear the green tie to match her dress? Or the red tie?" I asked.
"The green one!" He exclaimed. I nodded and handed him his suit to go put on.
They both came back to me and I tied Jacklen's dress in the back and fixed Jaylen's tie.
"There. Now you both look like the prince and princess you are." I smiled.
"Hey Evie?" Jacklen said quietly. "Do you think daddy's looking down on us?" She asked, looking at me with tears in her eyes.
"Of course he is. He's watching you right now. With a huge smile on his face. Just thinking of how much he loves you." I smiled. They both wrapped their arms around me and pulled them to me.
"I'm so proud of you guys. And I'm so sorry daddy isn't here. I'm so sorry." I whispered.
"It isn't your fault Evie." Jaylen said, looking at me. "No one blames you. We promise. It isn't your fault. Life happens Evie. The moon goddess has a plan and this was part of it. She wouldn't give you anything that you can't handle. Trust me, I know you can handle this." He said.
"When did you get so smart?" I laughed. He shrugged and they both laughed with me.
I put Jacklen's hair in a bun and then spiked up jaylens hair. Now you guys are ready. You can play. But don't mess your outfits up." I said. They nodded and went back to their toys.

I went back into my room and giggled at the sight of Mattie trying to fix his tie.
"Come here." I giggled. He sighed and walked over. I fixed his tie and smiled.
"Perfect." I whispered. He grabbed my chin and bent down, kissing me. I smiled and pulled away. He groaned in frustration but I shook my head.
"I'm not even ready yet." I said. He smiled and ran to the closet.
"Look!" He pulled out a dress and I gasped. It was red with silver speckles. It was tight fitted at the top, but then it poofed out at the end.
"Thank you." I said as he handed it to me.
"Anything for you Angel." He smiled.
"I was wondering why your tie was silver." I giggled as I went to slip the dress on.
After putting it on Carmine walked in looking frazzled.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I have nothing to wear." She mumbled.
"Here." I went into my closet and rummaged through my dresses. I pulled out a long red dress that had a green bow around the waist.
"Thank you." She said as she went to put it on. I nodded and went into the bathroom, pinning my hair up into a bun type thing and doing my make up. Carmine walked in a little while later and asked me to do her hair. I put it up into a bun and she smiled.
"Thank you Evie. For everything." She said, hugging me. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek.
"Anytime Carmine." I said. She went to go get Andrew ready and I went to get my mom.
"Mom." I opened her door. She looked up at me and wiped her face.
"Hey sweetie." She smiled.
"Hey mom. What's the matter?" I sat next to her.
"I miss him. So much. This is the first Christmas without him." She whispered.
"I miss him too mom. Im sorry." I mumbled.
"Hey. Look at me. It isn't your fault. None of this is." She said. I nodded and hugged her.
"Now come on. The party starts any minute now." I nodded and went down stairs with her.

After greeting all of the people I found Mattie and made him dance with me.

In the middle of all the dancing all the lights shut off and Mattie grabbed me tightly. I could hear the panic as the emergency lights came on.
Everyone began to run around, looking for their loved ones.

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