Chapter 17

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Pic Of Carmine^^^
2 Days Later
"Just go pee on the damn stick!" Ciara yelled at me. I groaned and slowly got up.
Ciara had barged in here a few minutes ago with a pregnancy test, throwing it on my bed, where I've stayed the past few days. I've only gotten up to puke.
"Fine." I shut the bathroom door and did as the instructions said.
"What if I am?" I asked Ciara. "Matthew hasn't called, hasn't texted, hasn't contacted me or anyone else at all. He left." I said quietly.
"He'll come back. Trust me." She smiled. I nodded and checked the time.
"It's been five minutes!" I yelled, jumping up and running into the bathroom where the test sat on the sink. I looked at it and backed up.
"I'm pregnant." I whispered.

"Um. It's your mate for the tenth time today." I yelled into the phone. "It'd be great if you could Call me back." I hung up and slammed my phone down.
One more time. I'll call one more time.
I growled as I was sent straight to voicemail.
"I'm fucking pregnant!" I yelled into the phone. "Not like you care though. But it's fine. I'll have the kid on my own. I don't fucking need you." I hung up and groaned. What the hell is he doing that's so important that he can't answer his damn phone.
I walked into the kitchen and looked around in the fridge. All I want are cheese sticks. But of course. There are none.
"I'm going to the store!" I yelled to who ever was listening, grabbing the keys and going to my car. I slid into the front seat and headed towards the store.
I have an appointment with Zead tomorrow about the baby. I guess I'll be going alone because Matthew doesn't care enough to answer me. It's like he doesn't care at all. He just left me. And it's like he doesn't miss me because he hasn't checked on me at all. He's such a- my thoughts were interrupted by my phone. I picked it up and saw Matthew picture. I huffed and answered.
"What." I growled.
"Angel I'm on my way back. I got your messages."
"Dont angel me. You got my messages because you ignored my calls."
"I was busy Evie."
"So you were busy for two fucking days?" I shouted. "I couldn't sleep. I didn't feel like getting out of bed! If it weren't for your kid I wouldn't of eaten either!"
"Calm down. I'm sorry."
"I don't care. I'm on my way to the store so I have to go." I mumbled.
"Be safe." He said.
"Whatever." I hung up and threw my phone on the seat. Stupid boys.

I walked up the cheese aisle at the store with a little basket. I filled the basket to the top with cheese and went to the checkout. The cashier looked at me like I was crazy but oh well. I want cheese.
"30 dollars and 72 cents is your total." She said as she scanned the last bag of cheese. I nodded and swiped my card.
"Thanks." I picked up my bags and walked out the doors.
"Everest?" I heard a faint voice. I looked around, but didn't see anyone. I picked up my pace and quickly got to my car. I started to unlock the door when I heard the voice again, except this time it was closer. I looked over my shoulder and saw someone walking towards me. I squealed and fumbled with my keys, trying to unlock it. As soon as I got the button I felt hands wrap around my waist. I shot my elbow back and the hands disappeared. I tried to jump in my car when the hands wrapped around my ankle. I screamed and fell on the ground. I looked down and I didn't know who it was. I kicked his hand off of me and put my wall up.
"Who are you?" I yelled.
"My names Cadence. Nice to finally meet you Everest." I growled and got up, putting a hand over my stomach.
His eyes glinted and his smile grew.
"You're carrying a child." He chuckled. I snarled at him and got in my car, dropping the wall.
"Don't ever touch me again." I snarled slamming the door and speeding away.

I pulled into the drive way and smiled as I saw Matthews car. I quickly dropped the smile and grabbed my cheese. I can't let him know I missed him.
"Angel!" Mattie ran outside. I rolled my eyes and growled at him. His face fell and his eyes dropped to the ground. I brushed past him and went into the kitchen. I put my name on every single package of cheese and put them in the fridge.
"Angel don't be mad." Mattie said, walking into the kitchen.
"You left me. When I needed you the most."
"I'm so sorry. I just didn't think you wanted me around." He said quietly.
"I've always told you that my biggest fear is you leaving me. You said that you'd never leave me. But you did." I whimpered. I couldn't help the tears that fell down my face as I thought about how he walked out of the door.
"I'd never leave you forever. Come here." He said. He pulled me to him and held me as I cried until I couldn't anymore.
"You're stuck with me forever Angel." He whispered as I fell asleep.

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