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Henry POV

Walking into my office I slammed the door. I can't believe that she's turning me down. I have the looks, money and many more but she still turned me down. Something must be wrong with her. What does she really have to think about it. Any girl out there jump at my request no question asked and they wouldn't need time to think about.

I'm phone starts ringing. I walk to my bedside table and answer my phone. "This better be good. I don't like to be interrupted at home." I yelled.

"Sir I'm sorry to bother you at home but your needed at the office." Voice on other end said

"What is it? It's late and I'm getting ready for bed." I said

"Security called me and someone broke into the office. They catch her and she claims she knows you. She says she's your fiancé." He said.

"First of all I'm not engaged and whoever that person is she's lying. I want her arrested for trespassing. Do you hear me." I said before hanging up.

Who would claim to be engaged to me. I've not proposed to anyone except my house guest and she went to her room. I know my father if trying to get me married or I lose the company. But I haven't told anyone about this. Wondering who it could've I called my office to let them know I was on my way.
20 minutes later

I arrive at my office building. Pulling into my parking space in the garage. I get of the car and head into the building. I say Hi to the security guard and head toward my office. I can't believe that whoever was in my office claimed to be engaged to me of all people. Hope security escorted her out.

I opened my office door to see my ex. I haven't seen Jennifer in 4 years. She left me for some guy that was CEO of this company. I ended up taking that company 6 months ago. "What the FUCK are you doing here. How the heck did you get in my office." I yelled slamming the door.

I saw her flinched for a second. That didn't stop her from coming to me. "Babe I've missed you. Didn't you miss me." She said throwing her arms around my neck.

I grabbed her arms and unwrapped it from me. She really disgusted me. I can't believe I was planning on proposing to her. I'm so glad I dodged a bullet that night. "Jennifer you had your chance and you blew it. I'm seeing someone and I'm not going to lose her anytime soon. I asking you to leave my office on your own. If not I'll have you dragged out." I pickup my phone to call my guards.

"What? You wouldn't do that." She said backing away and looking up at me.

"What did you expect for me to be waiting for you to come back after these years. You really have to be joking. I'm telling you this one last time. If you come near me or any that I care about I'll kill you with my own bare hands." I yelled the last part and walked over to my desk.

"I hope she treats you right." She said before leaving my office.

Who the fuck does she think I am. To think that I'd be waiting for her all these years.  I have better things to do. I'm going to be honest that the first year I was bitter to everyone. People that worked for me.

Sitting at my desk just looking at the view. I really didn't want to leave yet. Just wanted to make sure that Jennifer wouldn't follow me home. She's someone not to be trusted. She left here way to easily. Which has me thinking she's up to no good. I better watch my back.

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