Forever Gone

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Dayna's PoV

when i woke up i was in my apartment, i hadn't been in here in months. weird it was clean for once "lol". was all of that just a dream or ??? i heard a knock on the door

come in !

zero- hey 

hey zero

zero- are you feeling okay 

what do u mean ?

zero- well after everything that happened last night 

last night ? last night. oh last night ! zero where's loki, we have to stop him from what he's about to do 

zero- you can still remember loki

yeah, why wouldn't i

zero- he but a spell on you, so that you wouldn't remember him when you awakened 

well it didn't work, due to the fact that i'm very good at pretending to be asleep.

zero- so you weren't actually sleeping

i was unable to move or talk but no i wasn't asleep

zero- that's weird loki's normally great at that kind of thing 

the spell probably didn't work because he didn't actually want to cast it, speaking of loki where is he ?

zero- he's gone dayna 


zero- you were to late, he was beheaded this morning 

no, no, no NO NO!

zero- I'm so sorry dayna 

what have you got to be sorry for huh ? it's not like you killed him. it was all my fault, if he had just never met me he wouldn't have gotten caught up in it all.

zero- do blame yourself he chose to leave 

SHUT THE FUCK UP! why didn't you stop him, when you knew that i couldn't! 

zero- he wanted to go, i couldn't stop him even if i wanted to 

we all know you could have stopped him you have the power to, so what was it then? did you see him as competition?

zero- true fully yeah i did. i couldn't let him have you, so i let him leave 


zero- what?

i said your selfish 

zero- coming from you 

what do you mean coming from me ?

zero- you practically use everyone around you, don't try and say otherwise 

what cause i suck people's blood, i can't help that i have to ask for things such as blood. i need to. i don't just get handed things unlike some people

zero- you think i get handed everything

yes i do 

zero- your such a bitch

well i wish i never met you 

zero- you said you fucking loved me 

well i lied

zero- what ?

i didn't love you, i only thought i did. now i realise ......

zero- you realise what ? 

that if Loki hadn't wiped my brain years ago he would have gotten my heart

zero- so your saying you love Loki

not the loki you know but the person he used to be before (i break down)

zero's PoV

i couldn't just leave her like that. she was heartbroken about what had happened. even if she did love loki deep down, i know that she still had some feelings even if they are just friendship ones.

shhhh shhhh shhhh (pat's dayna's back)

dayna- (keeps crying)

come on, it'll be okay. i know you said you didn't love me but i still love you and i can't stand to see you like this. so will you try and forget for me ?

dayna- (nods head) i'll try 

okay then 

i picked up dayna and put her back to her bed. Then i started to prepare dinner. Chicken nuggets, chips and earl grey teal (dayna's favourite). speaking of dinner dayna would proabably be craving blood soon, i decided to give her some of mine. i leaned out my neck and right enough she bit into it, i could feel the blood pouring out, it felt so weird.

Dayna's PoV 

i awakened to a sweet sensation, zero must have given me some of his blood. i always knew he had my back that's why i loved him. oh crap! we had that argument didn't we i guess i should clear it up. i sat down and talked it all out with zero. 

zero i'm sorry for  shouting 

zero- it's alright don't worry about it

so are we okay 

zero- what do you mean 

you don't hate me or anything right 

zero- of course not, come over here

i sit down beside zero and he puts his arm around me 

zero- i promise i don't hate you, what about you, do you hate me ?

no i don't hat you one bit. if you don't hate me how do you feel about me ?

zero- i love you dayna, what about you 

i loved loki very much, he was my saviour but i must admit i find you very alluring 

zero- you do ?


zero- dayna 

yes zero

zero- will you forget about loki and love me instead?

why would you want me to do such a thing ?

zero- because i want you to be mine and mine alone. i want to love you for the rest of my life, i hate seeing you in pain and i cant tell you are right now.

whhhhhat did you just say ?

zero- i said i hate seeing you in pain 

loki said the exact same thing to me 

zero- he did ?


zero- well i assure you i'm no loki, but i can be just as charming as him

i know 

zero- so will you be mine


zero- do you promise to love me and only me 

i do 

zero- do you promise to forget about loki and desire me instead

i promise 

zero- then you are mine and i am your's. i shall love you for the rest of my days.

for some weird reason i felt a lot better than i did before, i was forgetting all about my last love and instead being drowned in my current one. i hugged zero tightly, i didn't want to let go. i was scared if i did then zero would have the exact same fate as loki did. loki may be dead but he will forever live on in my heart forever as my first love, yet he is being smothered under the powerful love that zero is casting upon me.

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