Chapter 8: A Friendship Sundered

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The Squadd were faced with defeating a monster. Do not worry; they succeeded. The Trix thought it was a good opportunity to find the Dragon Flame.

One night, in Hajari and Michael's room, Hajari is asleep and is having a dream. In Hajari's dream, Hajari is talking to the voice that led him and the Squadd out the flames back in Cloudtower.

"Hajari...Hajari..." says the voice.

"Woah, where am I? This Isn't the realm of Magix?" says Hajari as he is transformed into a fairy and flying in the air.

"No it isn't, but we don't have much time."

"Time for what?"

"Hajari, remember."

"Remember what? Wait for me!"

Suddenly, it is morning and Michael wakes Hajari up. "You have to remember that today is a holiday." Michael packs his bags. "What exactly did you have to remember?"

"I don't know. All I remember was a voice. Where are you going, Michael?"

"I'm going home."

Hajari follows Michael into the living room. "Would someone tell me what holiday it is?" asks Hajari.

"The Rose," says Kajari. "It's a holiday that you celebrate with your own mother. Don't you have something like that on Earth?"

"Yes, but on Earth, we call that Mother's Day," Hajari responds.

"Are you going home?" asks Michael.

"No, I don't think so," says Hajari.

"Well then it's just you, me, and Musa," says Hajarianna as she and Musa come out of Hajarianna's dorm room. 
In the cafeteria, Hajari, Hajarianna, and Musa are the only ones in the school and they are having breakfast.

"All the teachers and students cleared right up," says Musa.

Professor Wiz-Kiz walks pass.

"Professor, you're going home too?" asks Hajari.

"Yes, I have a mother too. Cheerio!" Wiz-Kiz says as he walks away.

"What a guy," says Musa.

"So does anyone wanna tell us why y'all don't wanna go home?" asks Hajari.

"Well, my aunt and uncle are getting a divorce. My aunt and uncle raised me, so I consider them my mom and dad. But the queen and king of Solaria aren't getting along anymore," Hajarianna sighs. "What about you, Hajari?"

"Well if I go home for just a day, I'll feel sad when I have to leave," says Hajari.

"What's your excuse, Musa?" Hajarianna asks as she purposely bumps her elbow on Musa's side.

"Well I haven't celebrated this day in a long time because I've got no one to celebrate with," says Musa as she, Hajari, and Hajarianna develop tears in their eyes. "I lost my mother when I was very young," Musa adds.

"Oh, Musa, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked," says Hajarianna.

"It's okay, you couldn't have known. For me this day is just a little sadder than others," Musa says as she starts shedding more tears.

"Well tears and cookies don't make a tasty breakfast," says Hajari.

Hajari and the girls chuckle. 

"Hey, we're going to the Rose festival in Magix City today. Musa, do you wanna come?" asks Hajarianna. 

"No, no thanks. Perhaps another time maybe."

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