Chapter 6: Mission At Cloudtower

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Hajarianna was tricked into thinking that she was going on a date with Brandon, but they never went out on a date. It was all a trick to get Hajarianna's ring. In the end, Hajari had to make a choice between his sister's life and giving up the ring. He chose to go give up the ring.
At Cloudtower, in the Trix's room, the Trix are trying to find the essence of the ring, through meditation. The meditation was so great that they get knocked facedown on the wall.

"Oh, my nose," says Jodi. Jodi had hit her face on the wall.

"We have to cast a safety shift spell immediately," says Corki.

"Oh my pretty nose," says Jodi.

"There was no explosion," says Corki.

"Stupid ring, where is all your power? We need that Dragon Flame," says Sun-Hi. "Stupid ring. You're useless!" Sun-Hi throws her ring across the room.

"Face it. This ring could never hold the power of the Dragon Flame. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out," says Corki.

"Be quiet! After all I went through to get this ring, I will not be talked to like that! I will search for the essence of the ring even if I have to search all over again!" says Sun-Hi.

"But Your Highness, I don't get it," says Knut. Knut, blind as a bat, thinks he is talking to the Trix but, he is facing three mops.

"Ugh. Knut, what is it that you don't get?" asks Sun-Hi.

"Why you want that Dragon Flame or where it could be. It could be in a torch, a candle, a stovetop."

Sun-Hi smacks Knut in the face. "Put on your glasses, ogre."

Knut puts on his glasses. 

"The flame will restore a distant past," Sun-Hi said.
At Alfea, in the library, Hajari is trying to study Hajarianna's sword ring and why the witches want it so bad.

"The Water Ring...the Tiger Ring...Dream Rings...Ah here it is. The Ring of Solaria," says Hajari. 

In the Squadd's apartment...

"The Ring of Solaria is made up of the sun, moon, and stars. It belongs to the king and queen of Solaria and can be passed down to their female child. Hajarianna, that means it belongs to you," says Hajari.

"Of course. I could've told you that myself. The sword-ring has been in our bloodline forever," Hajarianna replies.

"They say that the great dragon created the ring," says Hajari.

"Was the dragon for real or was it just a mythical symbol?" asks Michael.

"No one knows. They say that the ring was made by the dragon eons ago; no one remembers when. The ring was also influenced by the great sacred fire," says Hajari.

"Whoa, and I thought that the history of Solaria was ultra boring," says Hajarianna, and everyone laughs.

"What's the sacred fire exactly?" asks Kajari.

"Great question, Mr. Kajari. Very pleased you should ask," Hajari says as he does an affirmative voice.

"Hey, you sound just like Griselda,"  Michael says as everyone laughs.

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