Chapter 11: The Monster And The Willow

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The Trix now knows that Hajari has the power of the Dragon Flame. Their search is over, but does Hajari know it? No. Hajari must now be careful because the Trix is onto him, now more than ever.

In the living room, Hajarianna and Michael are arguing.

"No really! You've gone too far this time!" Hajarianna says as she points at Michael.

Hajari walks in. "Hajarianna, what happened?"

"Michael is overdoing it as usual," says Hajarianna.

"I'm just carrying out a couple of experiments. I've got an exam coming up soon," says Michael.

"No kidding, you've been going on about it for a month," Hajarianna says. Then, she mimics Michael."I'm gonna use the power of flowers to thwart the witches' evil spell!"

"So what's wrong with that?" asked Hajari.

"So what's wrong with that? Well if you haven't noticed, your room has become a huge chemistry lab," Hajarianna says as she points to Hajari and Michael's room and sees a bunch of tubes and plants everywhere.

"Hajari gave me permission. He said he'd help me," Michael says as he smiles.

"Yeah, I already passed the simulator test," says Hajari.

"Yeah, some test," says Hajarianna.

"Hey, I took on Sun-Hi, Jodi, and Corki. It wasn't easy," says Hajari.

"I know, Hajari. I'm just so upset. Come look in my room."

In Hajarianna's room...

"Look, so I gave Michael permission to put his plants next to my window because they need sunlight, but then he spread himself out and put a bunch of Melanoma Veracosa..."

"Menosa Veinatosa," Michael corrects Hajarianna.

"Well whatever they are, he put them right next to my mirror, Hajari! My mirror!" Hajarianna says as she grabs onto Hajari.

"Well they feed off reflected light, your mirror is perfect for it," says Michael.

"Look the plants are trying on my makeup, and they're trying on my clothes. They have no taste whatsoever. Their outfits don't even match," says Hajarianna.

"Hajarianna, they're just plants," says Hajari.

"That's why they're called Veinatosa," says Michael.

"I don't care what they're called just please get them out of here," says Hajarianna.

"I bet Kajari doesn't have a problem with the plants."

Michael goes into Kajari and Musa's room. Musa is laying on her stomach in the bed, reading a book.

"Hey, Musa, have you seen, Kajari? asked Michael. 

"No, I haven't seen him since this morning. Why?" Musa responded.

"Well, I asked Kajari to keep a few seeds in the dark to grow."

"Wait. There are plants in our room?" 

Michael opens Kajari's closet and sees Kajari tied up from vines that were the seeds that grew up in the dark.

"Kajari!" yells Michael. Michael unravels the vines and gets Kajari out.

"It's about time! I was in the closet just looking for a pair of trousers when this creepy, crawly thing grabbed me!" yells Kajari.

"Musa, he was in there all day and you didn't notice a thing?" asks Hajarianna.

"Hey, I'm not in the habit of snooping through other people's closets," Musa says with an attitude.

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