Chapitre Huit: Vicomte Ivre

Start from the beginning

Still in the shadows I chuckle playing with the sword in my hand. The one I held was silver with a silver hilt designed in a peculiar way that allowed it to have a green gem on it both on the top of the hilt and bottom of it. I slide it into the scabbard I found while searching the opera house a few days ago during the night. The sun is now at the highest peak in the sky, much so that it would allow someone to see me. I growl and disappear into the shadows and silently in the door entering the opera house.

Deciding to try to watch the rehearsal for tonight's opera I make my way to the stage. I decide to go to the balcony on the ceiling since up there I can see everyone, hear everything but they can not see me. Quickly in the shadows I walk to the door I found that leads to the door on the ceiling. Once there I see that the bucket that once held the toads gone. I look at it for a second stunned but then here a slight noise on the other side of the door that I just came through and disappear onto the balcony. Carlotta stands on the stage screeching the notes that are suppose to be sung. I wince a bit looking down at her as her voice rises and rises with each note until it is as high and horrible that the windows could break. I look over to box five to see Christine and Raoul in it looking down on the rehearsal.

I look down with them to see that Carlotta is yelling at one of the stage hands on the stage because one of the props almost tipped over when she leaned against it. I roll my eyes and look around the stage looking for Madame Giry. I spot her quickly with once again all the ballerinas around her this time she is scolding her daughter Meg Giry for tripping over one of the other girls during the dance which lead to the girls all falling down.

I hear a slight crack behind me and in one swift moment I turn around pulling out my knife and slamming the figure to the wall with my knife at their throat. When I register who it is I move the knife off of their neck and step back. The Phantom looks at me rubbing his neck slightly.

"Why is it every time that we meet I have my knife to your neck. If I didn't look to see who you were you would have been dead," I ask in a whisper knowing that if I spoke louder someone could hear, even speaking in a whisper was a risk.

"We have only met twice my dear," he says his large frame looking down at me.

"Whatever, why are you up here anyway," I ask scolding him.

"It is my opera house and when I looked in the rafters and saw you weren't there, and box five is... well occupied I came up here knowing that you have probably found this place," he says his voice a little bit above a whisper.

I scold him, "You should not talk so loud someone may hear you."

His eyebrows narrow, "Fine, come with me then."

He grabs my arm but I stay in place, "Where are we going? I will not go anywhere without knowing the destination first."

"We are simply going to my lair, my home of sorts. When they rebuilt this place the entrances were different so they do not know about them, they are quite hard to get to and find. Also that part was secret so not even the builders knew about it. Are you coming," he asks me.

I huff and nod snatching my arm away from his grip and begin to follow him. The Phantom leads me off of the balcony from a secret door which you cannot see since it blended in with the walls up here. The walls through the entrance were made of dark grey brick and lit by many candles on the walls. There were many twists and turns and many of the times he muttered a don't step there. I suspected that when that happened there were traps located in that spot. After walking for much of the afternoon we reached a piece of the stage curtain covering a part of the wall. He moved it out of the way and walked through it with me following him. Once on the other side I am faced with a large organ and other things, the room illuminated by many candles.

I guess watching the opera rehearsals have gotten to me because I sing a few words quietly for only me to hear, "It's so beautiful, so strange but beautiful."

I also guess I didn't sing as quietly as I expected I did because I hear the Phantom's voice behind me, "You sing?"

I let out a slight chuckle turning around towards him his mask staring back at mine, "I guess."

"How can you guess that you can sing when you just did," he asks me walking towards his organ.

I follow him towards it, "I just never actually sung before. Before my parents abandoned me they never really let joy into my life. Singing was one thing I did find joy in when I was younger but if I ever tried to sing I would get punished. I haven't sung since that, since I was four."

He takes a seat in front of the organ motioning for me to come closer to it. I feel my legs bringing me closer, right next to the instrument. He looks up at me his eyes meet my eyes as he says, "Can you sing just one song for me, any song you like."

I look at him, "Alright fine but only one."

I see him smile at to himself but try to cover it up as he turns away then back to me with a straight face. I think to what song to sing, I haven't really heard music in a while besides Carlotta's screeching and that was not music, it was pigs dying. I end up selecting the song I heard Christine sing on the roof before she ran off. I nod and look towards the Phantom, his eyes make me comfortable for some reason but I push that feeling away and begin to sing.

Think of me
Think of me fondly, when
We've said goodbye
Remember me
Once in a while, please
Promise me you'll try

When you find,
That once again you long
To take your heart back,
And be free
If you ever find a moment,
Spare a thought for me

We never said
Our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea...
But if you can still remember,
Stop and think of me

Think of all the things
We've shared and seen,
Don't think about the things
Which might have been

Think of me
Think of me waking, silent
And resigned...
Imagine me, trying too hard to
Put you from my mind...

Recall those days,
Look back on all those times,
Think of the things
We'll never do...
There will never be a day when
I won't think of you

We never said
Our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea...
But please promise me,
That sometimes
You will think of me

I finish the song and look towards the man sitting across from me. He had his eyes closed but when I shifted my position his eyes opened. I looked down at my feet then back up at him, who now was standing up his eyes still on me.

"Where did you hear that song," he asked me standing up fully straightening out his dress coat and vest.

"Um... I was on the roof the other day before I knew you were still here. Christine came up on the roof and was singing, before she ran off back into the Opera House," I say softly trying to not make him mad at the mention of Christine. To my surprise he doesn't even draw attention to her he just nods and gestures to me to follow him.

La musique exprime ce qui ne peut pas être dit et dans lequel il est impossible de se taire.

Look With Your Heart and Not with Your Eyes- Phantom of the Opera FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now