message 29

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lwtoml: excuse me?

Louis was absolutely speechless upon seeing those text messages appear. Hell, he would rather have Niall yell at him and remember his existence instead of asking "who the fuck are you?". Was he that insignificant in Niall's life? Did he hurt him that much he wanted to forget? Louis was unsure.

At the time, Louis set his place atop Liam's bed, sitting on the comforter that was once neat. They chatted about things, slowly making Louis forget about the problem that continuously broke his heart. Liam's phone screen brightened up, showing three text messages appear in only a few seconds. Louis' curiosity lit up as he stared at Liam's phone, blocking out the words that came out of the younger boy's mouth.

"Hey, Louis, check my phone for me?" Liam asked loudly as he scrubbed his body. Louis' eyes brightened up and immediately took the phone in his palm. "Do I have any notifications?"

Quickly, Louis turned on the phone once again, but that might've been his biggest mistake so far.

niwhore: liam help

niwhore: im pretending not to know louis

niwhore: i can't do this anymore honestly

niwhore: i want the pain and confusion to just be done with

niwhore: i dont want him in my life anymore

niwhore: get him out

Seeing this made his chest tighten and his heart ache even more. He wanted to scream and cry all at the same time, the situation was just too much to handle all at once. The world was spinning in his eyes, and everything was just so fast and in the moment. Slowly, he forced his body up and put down the phone through his teary eyes and choked out a few words as if he was fine.

"Hey, Liam, I'm going for a walk," Louis spoke, his words soft and innocent. "I'll be back later. You have six notifications, you can answer them when you get out."

"Ah, alright Louis," Liam replied, oblivious to how hurt Louis felt at the time. "Be safe! Al-"

"Always look when you cross the street, I know, Mom," Louis chuckled halfheartedly before opening the door. "I'm older than you, Li. I'm more mature."

"Sure, whatever you say, Lou. Have a nice walk." Liam replied once hopping out the shower. Louis nodded, although knowing Liam couldn't see him, and walked out the house.

Once alone, he was trapped in a world with just him and his thoughts crowding him. He had no place to be as upset as he was about it, considering this was his fault entirely. But, partially Niall's part for not telling him shit about how broken he was.

As he walked, he decided to cross the street to go to the stores that surrounded mainly that side of the road. His eyes were down, hands in his pockets, and attention directed onto those text messages. Those text messages that ruined the remaining "friendship" that they had. Something that mattered so much to Louis and he promised not to break was now broken.

But, at the time, as he brought out his phone that hid quietly in his back pocket, a car zoomed down the street in a rush. You could hear the engines roaring miles away, but Louis couldn't. He was too busy being distracted and putting his earbuds in his ear. Unfortunately, the car was going on the side of road that Louis was on.

And then all he could feel was pressure and darkness.



PS: i feel bad for leaving yall here ohmygod

tbh its probably not what you expect that happened but ;o

kik | nouis ; COMPLETETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon