message 23

913 53 13

lwtoml: its december first

lwtoml: i remember you said that you love christmas and winter so much

lwtoml: you rambled on and on about it

lwtoml: i was planning on making this season special for you and do anything in my power to make you happy

lwtoml: but fate says otherwise

lwtoml: maybe you ignoring me makes you happy?

lwtoml: im not gonna stop doing anything until you confirm it for me

lwtoml: oh also happy first day of christmas haha

lwtoml: i sound much for deader than usual

lwtoml: it could be because i miss you so much

lwtoml: or the fact im gonna be alone again this christmas


lwtoml: if you were here, you would've sang with me

lwtoml: ohmygod niall

lwtoml: i miss you so fucking much

lwtoml: please come back to me.


opinions ??
and i also have a few questions for u to answer (buy Q&A by seventeen and ailee on itunes)

1. what do u think happened to niall ???

2. whats ur opinion on louis continuously texting him

3. what do u think is gna happen in the future ?? theres two possibilities in my head

4. when this ends do u want a sequel

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