Chapter 1

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I walked through the forest just thinking about how I got into this stupid situation. The dark branches casted shadows across the ground in eerie shapes. Owls spoke to themselves within the tops of the trees. Each sound whispered danger. Each movement screamed enemies--rogues.

Pain on the bottom of my feet seared up to my hips. My siblings had warned me that the first bones to start hurting were my feet. I was supposed to shift for the first time tonight and this was not how I thought it would go. All I could think about was how it was supposed to happen.

Family members and friends were going to surround me. Before I completed the process, they were to shift while comforting me through the change. We were then going to watch the sunset off the cliff that was on the property. My parents' friends, who were alphas, had us come over every time one of us went through the change. Too bad that never happened.

Another wave of pain ran up my spine sending shocks through my limbs. Crunching of leaves sent me sprawling to the floor as I jumped from fright. The pain distracting me from landing back on my feet, causing me to trip. Another surge of pain came from my tailbone this time; probably, already breaking the bone before the others began cracking on their own.

A bare, gangly foot appeared in front of my face. Then, a chuckle sounded from above. A rogue. Why was it here? Did it smell me out? Was it here to hurt me? Was it going to eat me? How am I supposed to run when I can't even stand?

Fear shook my limbs in response to the human-like animal looming over me. I had only been afraid one other time in my life, and that was when I had lost mom in IKEA. That time wasn't even coming close to this.

"Well, I see that we have newbie running around the forest," a deep, sweet male voice chuckled. His voice was too sweet; so sweet, that it sent shivers down my spine. "Where your parents?" He waited a bit while I shook and whimpered not only from fear but now also pain. My adrenaline was pumping too fast for me to think about my parents and the tears that would surely come. "Oh well, it don't matter. Let's get ya to cave, yeah? Wooden wanna have any other rogues to get ya. You mine now, sweety."

His knees came into view as he kneeled down in front of me. No way was I going to let him get a hold of me! Too late, he already had one arm around my shoulders then under my legs. My body slumped down in the space between his arms. I tried to shift myself so I would fall through them but then he gripped me tighter. A crack came from my clavicle and hip. They both had broken in half.

I screamed loud and clear scaring the birds from miles around. My pathetic attempt to get away yet again broke my right shoulder blade as well.

He chuckled once again. "You a fighter alright! I'm gonna have fun killin' ya." After he mentioned that, he let out a loud bellow.

Walking swiftly through the trees, we reached a little hole in the ground. I jerked in his grip all the way forcing him to drop me. Instead of falling on the ground as I had hoped, I fell straight into the hole. Upon impact, a large crack resounded against the dirt walls. My scream fell on silent ears as nothing came out of my mouth. It felt like my ribs were collapsing in on themselves.

Curling in on myself, I stopped paying attention to the rogue that entered the underground home. All I noticed was the dirt on the ground. Soft, powdery dirt and sharp rocks rubbing on my skin.

It felt like hours as each bone shattered in different spots. For a bit, I had passed out because the pain was too magnificent for me to bare. When I opened my eyes, there was no more pain to obstruct my concentration.

A man stood above me as my hands and feet dug into the dirt. Only, my limbs were smaller than normal. The man was also a lot taller than I had remembered. What happened?

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