His words pulled Devora out of her reverie, allowing her ego the little push it needed to win. She tore her gaze away from Nathan, looking towards where Dallas was pointing instead.

"Oh no," he continued. Dallas's face was blanched white with horror, hissing through his teeth. In contrast, Leah and Candice looked ecstatic.

Names had started to appear one by one on the giant digital boards, the neon green letters appearing torturously slow in Devora's point of view. As each match-up finalized against the black background, the crowd's volume grew. When Devora scanned through the list and sifted out two familiar names, she couldn't help herself but bite down on her bottom lip. A mixture of relief and worry washed over her.

Their reigning queen, the person that had gloriously won over her competitor, was going to compete again today.

H. Young vs F. Graver
L. Lane vs M. June
I. Till vs J. King
V. West vs C. Clair

"No," Travis practically shouted, his voice firm as he spun to face his younger sister. His eyes were wild and urgent, bleeding distress. It was the first time in months since Travis had shown so much emotion. Ever since his youngest sibling had died, he wore a face of stone. Now, at the possibility of losing another sister, his facade had started to crack. "You're not fighting."

"Nonsense. Of course I am." Leah grinned brightly as Candice placed a proud hand on the former's shoulder. Candice's action only made Leah's smile widen. She practically glowed. "I was chosen to fight. I'll take my opponent down no matter how much more experienced she is."

"Atta, girl!" Candice patted Leah's back, radiant with pride. "And no worries, Travis. Matilda June is a new recruit that just joined last month. It will be an easy win for Leah. You can't have a luckier match-up."

Despite having the odds in Leah's favor, Devora still couldn't help but feel pity for Travis. After all, he had just lost a sister less than half a year ago. This company event sounded sketchy at best and there was always the risk of something unfortunate befalling Leah. If any tragedy were to happen to her, Devora wasn't sure if Travis could cope.

No matter what was to be sacrificed in this fight, Leah had to win.

As the first bell rang, the crowd burst into a collective chant-like cheer. The first set of competitors went up on the stage, their steps boosted by the sounds that reverberated. A man in his mid-twenties walked up, his stance strong and proud as he stood to one corner. On the other side was a girl, timid and small, so very petite that Devora wasn't able to suppress a wince as the girl climbed onto the large sparring ring.

Based on looks alone, it was going to be a quick and easy win for the man. He must have thought so too for he grinned widely as he eyed the little girl, cracking his knuckles and his neck lightly in preparation as if to appear more intimidating.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The crowd roared loudly, all delighted and filled with energy as the commentator began to speak. "Welcome to this month's Battlefield Arena! As you can tell, the queen, our champion for so many days and nights, the undefeated for a very long time, is finally fighting again today after evading the ring for the last four months."

A single spotlight found Candice from among the crowd, shining down on her as she stood up and waved patronizingly. In the light, her golden hair gleamed like a waterfall made of sunlight, blinding and brilliant. The cheers from the crowd only heightened at the sight of her, whoops and cheers resonating as they rejoiced the return of their queen.

"But before Her Majesty takes the stage, we will start with a few beginners' rounds where the fighters are fresh blood that have yet to experience the cruelty of the ring. Give it up for Henrick Young and Farrah Graver!"

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