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I should of done this a long time ago so now I regret it but now I will stick to the point...

Name: Niko Oakley

Nickname: Nic, Niky, Nike, Nicole

Age: 18

Birthday: July 25

Horoscope: Leo

Height: N/A

Eye: Blue

Hair: Black hair medium, long bangs w/ changing highlights (the image above slightly shorter)

Likes: Music, helping others, friends, guitar, pissing others off, pranks, sweets,

Dislikes: hurt friends, off key notes, being weak

Fears: N/A

History: Her original parents died when she was very young as well as her best friend who was in love with her. She became an orphan for a short time but made friends along the way then gets adopted by rich people. Now at the age of only 18 has already past college and was considered the back ups ninja when ever the original ninja go somewhere else. That is until she became one...

Family: Both blood related parents are deceased, her best friend who is considered a brother same story. Adopted parents are still alive and Sensei Wu was like a grandfather to her. The ninjas were her new family.

Text Copyright©WolfFang02™2016-2018

Ninjago: The Elemental Master (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ