Chapter 2

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Ever since Sensei Wu gave us the order to keep an eye out for the girl from the camera. Sensei told Zane to delete it after recording it. We all found out that the girl help catch the crooks that the police wanted for over a month.

Now we need to watch the girl who's a nobody to everyone. But as we kept watching her we saw that she was a kind person that loves to help others. She was into fighting, singing and only got violent when needed. If she could she would probably help every single person in Ninjago if she could.

It's been a month since the incident with that gang. Which of course they don't remember who beat them up and don't remember that the person who beat them up has powers. But after all of that I have a feeling I'm being watch. I mean of course they added more security to the city so this never happens again. But mostly it was more on me sometimes than the city. So I just ignore it and continue with my life.

Today is the most hottest Wednesday ever. I was forced to wear my sleeveless jacket with a hood. But had jeans on and have my Nike high top. As I walk down the street when I smell smoke and heard crackling plus screaming. I started running toward it. When I got there to see what happen a five-story apartment was burning, people screaming trying to get away. I toward it to see a woman clinging onto a man.

"Please someone, anyone go inside my kids are still in there' the woman cried out. Without thinking I place my hood on & put my lower mask on and ran inside. Knowing I had powers of fire I can resist the fire from touching me. When I got to the top floor I see in the corner 3 children. 

The two older boys probably 9 or 8 protecting the 4 year old girl in the middle. I ran up to them grabbing the girl to carry and the boys cling to my legs. As we made our way to the stairs, the fire went crazy burning the stairs our only way out. Now I have no choice I start running toward the nearest window.

"Come on, don't worry I won't let you fall. Just trust me" I said smiling to reassure them and they nod for a yes. In a heartbeat we all jump out of the top floor window. People screaming in shock with the kids clinging to me still. I close my eyes and thought of the wind. in an instant I was hovering in the air. 

The boys were amazes at the sight and the girl in my arms smiling. I land right next to the mother who was running toward us. The kids ran as well, to the embrace of their mother. The mother still crying smiled ear-to-ear at me thanking me for saving her children. The kids run to me hugging my legs.

"Thanks for saving us lady" one boy said.

" You are like a ninja" the other boy said.

"What happen to your pretty hair'' the little girl said I turn to see what she meant.

I was shocked to see my black hair was now up to my shoulder blades with fire red highlights. I touch the side of my head to feel it was like a comb over also with highlights. I smiled to myself looking down the puddle near my feet. ~I look like a badass~!! Turning to the building. Just by lifting my hand to the burning building water came out of my hand. When there was no sparks of fire left I put my hand down. I grab my hair to see that it was now light blue which stands for water. 

Behind me I heard people cheers for me for saving the 3 kids and putting out the fire. I turn around but the corner of my eye I saw colors on the roofs coming toward me. Oh no the ninja, I thought, I have to leave before they see me.

"I'm sorry but I have to go" I said smiling to the little girl. I wave good bye to the kids and ran off.

We heard there was a fire in Ninjago and there were people trapped in the building still. As we made our way to the supposed burning building we heard cheering. The people were happy about a burning building with people inside! When we got closer to see what was happening. To our surprise there was no fire.

"I'm sorry but I have to go" we heard a girl say and she starts to run away. We made it and started to ask question."Excuse me but what happen here" Lloyd asked. In multiple people started to talk.

"A girl saved my kids"

"Stop the fire and her hair changed colors when she used different powers"

"She was like a ninja"

"That lady can fly"

A small girl tug Lloyd's leg. " She saved my life"

'What did she look like" ask Cole.

"The girl wore a sleeveless black jacket with hightop and had dark blue jeans on. Her hair was black and ... oh wait when she got out of the building her hair changed. Her hair got shorter somehow, a comb over look with highlights and when she used different powers her highlights change."

What kind of thing is that change haircut, color huh. This make no sense. The citizens also told us that when she got out there were no burn marks on her or the kids. Also she sprayed the building with water that came out of her hand. Out of all of that the most surprising one is that she knows Airjitzu!! No one knows how to do that and if they do very few people know about it.

"We need to report this to Sensei" Zane said. They all followed Zane back to the bounty to report to Sensei.

"Hmm... I think I know who she is... can you help me with something students" Sensei asked.

Words: 1072

I hope you guys like it~! Be sure to check out my Ninjago Love Stories (Any Color) plus my other story called the Quest. I'll try to hurry with the next part of the story.



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Ninjago: The Elemental Master (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن