Chapter VI

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Omar always had good control over his temper. But lately his anger had been getting the best of him. He clenched his fists under the seat and stared at Asad with a vexed look.

“I can explain, just hear me out.” Asad said with his hands up in the car. Although he was doubtful that anything he said in this moment could de-escalate the situation, he still tried. “I was in a tough position, I had to do something to satisfy everyone.”

“What are you talking about?” Omar asked. Suddenly he was more confused than angry.

“I knew about Rayan and that white guy before you did. I saw them together one night. I promised her that I wouldn’t say anything and she promised that she would stay out of trouble. Then I saw that she didn’t and I felt bad about not telling you.”

“You couldn’t say all of this face to face? You’ve known me my whole life and you couldn’t talk to me like a man?”

“In any other situation, I would have. But this is a touchy subject, Omar. I didn’t want to tell you but I had to. But I also made Rayan a promise and I had to find a way around it.”

“Why are you making promises with my little sister?” Omar asked angrily. “You should have called me as soon as you saw them together.”

“You’re right but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. I just wanted to keep her out of trouble.”

“Why were you looking up this much information on Rayan anyway?” Omar asked as he quickly scrolled through their conversation. In that moment, he had a million questions that needed answers.

“I wasn’t stalking her if that’s what you think. I came across the video on Twitter and clicked on the guys page. He posted most of his pictures with her on there. From there, I added him on Snapchat, just to see if she actually went to prom with him before I told you. I didn’t want to risk coming to you with false information.”

“You went through all of that effort for what?” Omar asked. He was suddenly growing suspicious of his longtime friend.

“The way I saw him acting with her that night made me uncomfortable. I would want somebody to look out for my little sister if she was in a situation like that.” he said. He looked over at Omar who was too busy trying to process this information to speak. “I care about her, Omar.” he said as he directed his attention back to the road.


“He seemed worried, Rayan. Maybe you should go back home.”

“Not yet. Don’t worry I’ll go back in a few days.” she said as she laid on Hani’s bed. Rayan still had no intention of going back home. Her original plan still remained intact. She would stay with Hani only until she could find somewhere else to stay.


“I promise. Anyway, I met a guy at the mall today.”

“You’re fast.” Hani rolled her eyes. “Was it another white guy?”

“No actually, he was Somali.”

Hani’s eyes lit up.

“Really? Tell me about him.”

“He was a little taller than me, light skinned, long curly black hair, and his name was Hakeem.”

“Hakeem?” Hani asked.

“Yeah I met him in Macy’s and then we went to Starbucks and talked for a while. He was actually really nice.”

Hani had stopped paying attention a while ago. She was now scrolling furiously through her phone.

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