Chapter V

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Hani sat at her desk in her room and furiously completed her math homework. She had procrastinated all weekend but it was finally time for her to face the piles of work that was assigned last Friday. She dropped her pencil and looked at her phone. There was still no message from Rayan. A part of Hani had felt guilty ever since she told Omar about where Rayan actually was the night before. The other part of her was glad that all of this happened. Maybe it would all teach Rayan a valuable lesson. Her phone suddenly began to ring, it was Yasmeen.

“Hey, are you feeling any better?” she asked as soon as Hani picked up.

“Kind of. I’m just worried that she’s in a lot of trouble. I hope her dad goes easy on her.”

“I mean, she put herself in this situation.” Yasmeen explained. “This really isn’t your fault.”

“I know.”

There was a knock at the door that interrupted their phone call. This was unusual. Hani spent most nights home alone since her sister left to the UAE. Her father was a truck driver that was gone for weeks at a time and her mother was a nurse that worked the night shift.

“I’ll call you back. Somebody’s at the door.” she said to Yasmeen. “Bye.”

Hani ran down the stairs and opened her front door.

“What are you doing here?” she asked Rayan as she stood on her doorstep. “And why do you have bags?”

“I’ll explain if you let me inside.” she replied. Hani moved out of her way and let her into the house. She placed her bags next to the couch in the living room and took a seat.

“What’s going on?” Hani asked her, concerned. She sat down right next to her.

“Do you have anything that I can eat?” Rayan said, ignoring Hani. “I really haven’t eaten all day.

“Rayan, tell me what’s going on.”

“My dad kicked me out.” she said. “We got in an argument and he told me to leave.”

“I doubt he was serious.” Hani insisted. “Your dad adores you he’s probably worried sick.”

“Trust me, he meant it. He even packed my bags for me.”

“Did Omar say anything?”

“He tried but my dad didn’t listen. Can I stay here for a few nights? At least until my dad calms down.”

“I don’t know.” Hani began. “My mom is kind of weird about you since what happened last night.”

“Since what happened?” Rayan sat up straighter.

“I mean, my dad said that he came here but I assumed that you didn’t tell him anything.”

“I didn’t want to.” she said. “But they told us that you were missing and my mom made us help.”

Rayan wanted to confront Hani for ratting her out, but she thought about what could have happened if Omar wasn’t at the party the night before.

“I understand.” she said. “I don’t want to get you in trouble. Maybe I should stay somewhere else.”

Hani thought for a moment.

“I’m going to be home alone for the next week.” she began. “So you can sleep here for the next few nights. Just until your dad calms down.”

“Thank you so much.” Rayan smiled. “All I need is a few nights.”

Rayan didn’t plan on going back home. She just needed a few nights to devise a plan on where she would stay permanently.

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