30.The End

63 8 33

Summer 18

Week 1:

"So what do you guys want to do today", I ask the crew. We just finished breakfast and are sitting around a large oak tree.

"I have and idea", Kyle says.

"Well let's hear it", Molly replies.

"What if we take the big house boat out on the lake?"

I smile,"yeah! That would be a lot of fun."

"We could also bring the raft out and attach it to the back of the boat", Jacob suggests.

My smile widens,"yes, that would be awesome!"

He smiles,"Rowan?"


"It's just a boat", he says.

"Um yeah, an amazing boat. I'll even bring my speaker. It's about to get lit! Lit, lit, lit", I scream.

Everyone busts out laughing. "You are so cute", Jacob says smiling.

I smile,"thanks." I kiss his cheek and turn my attention back to my friends.

"So what time do you guys want to go out on the boat", Mackenzie asks.

"Maybe 1:00, like right after lunch", Jacob asks.

"Yeah, that works."

"Sounds good."


"Okey dokey."

"Okay, so we'll meet at the lake at 1:00", Lexi asks.

"Yeah, and I'll talk to Miss Abby to make sure that it's okay to take the boat out, since it is the camps'", I say.

"Oh yeah, good idea", says Marlee.

"Okay, so at the dock at 1:00", Jacob reminds everyone.

"Got it, see ya then", Kyle says.

We all get up and go our separate ways, too find our group. This year I'm a counselor for a group called the grasshoppers. The kids in my group are in the 8-9 age group. Although they aren't the most corporate age group, they are a lot of fun. And the counselors get a free two hours every week to do whatever activities we want.


The clock reads 12:45 as I slip my shorts on over my swim suit. I also decide to throw on a shirt. As I slip on my flip flops I hear a knock at the door.

I open the door and find Marlee and Lexi standing on the other side.

"Hey guys", I greet them.

"Hola, you ready", Marlee asks.

"Yeah, but can I put my speaker in your bag Lexi?"

"Of course", Lexi opens her blue beach bag and I carefully set my speaker inside.

"Okay, let's go", I say. This is going to be fun!

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