15. What happened to me?

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My tired eyes slowly flutter open. I feel like crap. My head spins faster and faster every second. My pulse throbs and my head swarms with thoughts, not easing the pain at all.

I try to sit up but the swift motion causes me to puke on the floor. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and wipe the back of my hand on my hospitle gown.I hear unfamiliar voices, talking about unfamiliar doctor things.

After a moment I hear my moms voice."Where is she? I want to see my daughter now", she yells. Mom never yells.

Another lady answers her request,"I don't think she's in the mood for visitors right now. She is quite pale and she just threw up."

"For someone who has their medical degree you seem extremely stupid! My family and I want to see my daughter, and I'm sure she wants to see us!"

The nurse doesn't speak for a while, taken aback from my mom's loud voice,"Y-yes ma'm. Right this way."

I watch my mom walk into the room I'm in, accompanied by the nurse."mom?" My voice sounds incredibly weak. Frail. Broken. No. Please no. I don't want to be weak again.

She gasps,"oh sweetie, you look horrible!"

I smile,"oh thanks." I may feel like poop but that doesn't stop me from being sarcastic.

She gives me a small smile,"I'm sorry. We were just so worried about you."

She pushes the hair out of my hot and sweaty face, accidentally brushing her hand over my forehead."Ow!" I pull back.

My mom gasps,"I'm so sorry."

I shake it off,"it's fine."

The nurse sits down in a chair next to me."what happened to me", I ask her.

The nurse gives me a sympathetic look, followed by a reassuring smile."We don't know how, but you hit your head a certain way. You have a small concussion. You won't be able to remember anything that happened about 5 hours before the accident. But other than that you're fine."

I retain all of that information. I don't feel fine.What did happen? Who was involved? All of a sudden I feel a pain in my stomach, like someone punched me. Jacob.

"Mom. Where is Jacob?"

She grabs my hand,"He's at camp sweetie. They wouldn't let him come. But I know he would do anything to be here right now."

I nod,"I want to go back to camp."

I expect my mom to say something but the nurse steps in,"I'm sorry Rowan but you can't go back to camp."

I begin to feel dizzy and loopy."Why not?" My tone is a wine.

"You can't do any physical activities for the next two weeks. We want to make sure that you don't damage your head any further." The nurse says.

"Witch!" I accuse the nurse, pointing a finger at her.

She turns to my mom,"It's the laughing gas we gave her. It will make her a bit delusional for the next hour or so. She will cry and/or laugh,and obviously be a bit out of it." My mom nods and smiles. The nurse's gaze returns to me,"why am I a witch?"

I start to cry,"you took Jacob away! And you took my camp and my swim team! You're a witch. BURN THE WITCH!" I yell, pumping my fist in the air.

She laughs,"I'm not a witch."

I bust out laughing but manage to spit out a few words through my laugh attack,"y-yes you are silly!" I continue to laugh for a few more minuets.

The door flys open,revealing my siblings and my dad. Their worried faces soften when they see me laughing. Mom whispers something into dad's ear."no secrets", I yell.

She smiles,"I'm sorry Rowan."

I nod," good, good, good."

My seven year old sister Abbie climbs onto the hospital bed I'm laying on and hands me her favorite stuffed monkey."Here you go Rowan. You can borrow my monkey until you feel better."

"Thank you. I'll take good care of her."I smile and put the monkey in my arms, rocking it back and forth." ROCKABYE BABY, IN THE TREE TOP! WHEN THE WIND BLOWS THE CRADLE WILL ROCK.." I continue to scream the lyrics to a nursery rhyme that mom sang to all three of us when we were younger. My family just laughs at me, even a few of the nurses chuckle.

My eleven year old brother hands me a familiar novel,"I brought you your favorite book."

I smile,"thank you poop head." I sit there smiling uncontrollably at the wall.

The nurse returns to her chair by the side of the bed,"would you like to go home now?"

I nod,"yes please. But be nice to Dorthey and her dog. Help her get back to Kansas."

They nurse smiles."Don't worry I will. I'll even bake her cookies."

I nod once more,"good, good. She will like that."

My parents helps me walk to the car because I'm still a bit dizzy. I flop onto the cushy seats and buckle my seat belt, my family does the same. Dad begins to drive and my eyelids close as I drift off to sleep.

♡                              ♡                              ♡

My tired eyes slowly open. I look at my surroundings for a moment, confused, before I remember that I'm back home, not at camp. I'm lying in my bed, submerged in blankets and comforters. What the heck? It's 100 degrees outside, why do I have blankets on top of me? I throw the pile of cloth on the floor, leaning against the pillow smushed between my head and the backboard to my bed.

I sit there for a good thirty minuets, just thinking. I switch positions halfway through, laying on my back as I stare at the ceiling.

I reach over to my night stand, searching for my phone, but it's not there. I get out of bed and search through my duffle bag. Did I leave my phone at camp? I must have, because it's obviously not here. Wait..., now I won't be able to contact Lexi or Marlee, or Jacob, Jack and Kyle. I should have memorized their numbers, because now I won't be able to talk to them or text them until next summer. This is just great. This day just keeps getting better and better. I flop back onto my bed, face first.

I feel so many emotions right now. Saddens, guilt, pain. I'm confused and mad. I'm sad because I feel left out. All of my friends are at camp having fun while I'm at home napping. I begin to feel guilty when I realized that they probably aren't having fun,they are probably worried about me. My head begins to hurt again, reminding me of the terrible accident. This leads me to become curious, what did happen that night? What caused me to be stuck in this bed with bandages wrapped around my head? Then I start to feel angry. Why did I leave my phone? Why can't I remember? Something important must of happened for me to hit my head that hard. Or maybe I was just being clumsy old me, and I ran into a pole? I don't know what happened, all I know is that I'm angry. I'm angry at myself, the stupid nurses, the dumb universe, and at my mom for not putting a glass of water by the side of my bed.

I conclude that I have done enough thinking for today.I get out of bed, trotting down stairs to fetch a glass of water. Or maybe apple juice. I don't know, I haven't decided yet.

This chapter is dedicated to ScarredBeyondRepair. Thank her, she is the reason I updated early. Go follow her, she is amazing!

I just wanted to say that I know this chapter wasn't long or interesting,but it was necessary, so yeah. I promise the next chapter will be better! I have lots of ideas for this book I just need to make sure I put them in the correct order. Thanks for all of the support!

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