6. Paige

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Summer 14, 2 days until camp

I hold a Channel, Tory Burch, and a Nordstrom bag in my hands as I walk through the breathtaking sights of Paris with Lexi and Marlee.

We had just visited the Eiffel Tower, and are now heading over to explore the Louvre. We decided to travel around Germany and France this summer, and that was the best decision of my life because this is awesome.

I spot a gelato cart in front of us and quickly tap Marlee and Lexi on the shoulder, pointing to the gelato. We run towards it in excitement. It's 109 degrees outside and we are starving. Lexi hands the man 20 euros and he hands her three cones piled with gelato on top. We walk  down the streets of Paris eating our gelato and laughing.

I am awaked from my dream by the loud buzz from my phone. I groan as I roll over and see that Jacob is calling me. I quickly sit up and clear my throat before answering,"hey Jacob!" I sound cheery, like I had been awake for hours. I look at the clock beside me noticing it's 6:30.On a Saturday! 6:30!

He sounds concerned,"did I wake you up?"

I don't want him to feel bad, but I don't want to lie,"um, yeah. But it's okay, honestly."

He sounds less guilty than before,"oh, okay,Good. Anyways I just wanted to tell you how excited I am for camp."

I smile to myself," I know! I'm really excited too! I miss you and the crew so much."

"I know, I miss you too Ro,But don't worry, only two more days", he says, his voice echoing through my phone.

"Two more days", I repeat, trying to convince myself that it will be here before I know it.

"I also have a surprise for you."

I brighten up at the sound of a surprise, "really?"


"What kind of surprise?" I ask, curious.

He chuckles,"a special surprise."

I feel the ends of my lips curl up into a smile,    "well I got you a surprise too."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah" I had gotten him a Argentina shirt since that was his favorite soccer team, along with matching braclets that I made us. The shirt is for his birthday though.

Through the phone I hear someone yelling. Before I can ask who,he speaks,"my mom is calling me down for breakfast, I gotta go. See you soon!"

"Okay, see ya!"

After putting my phone down I try to go back to sleep, but fail miserably. I lay in bed for another hour before giving up on sleep.

I get out of bed and walk over to my bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye I see my suitcase, halfway packed with clothes that I lazily threw in there. I make a mental note to finish packing later, since camp is in two days.

I reach the bathroom and turn the silver knob in the shower, signaling for the water to flow out of the shower head. I step into the shower, feeling the chilly water fall onto my body. It washes away the tiredness, and with that all of my worries. But my nerves? They're still there.

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