To the Theater!

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Stella's POV

"Again?" I look over to my complaining sister. "We still have a whole other group of people that are still in the theater. And you want to bring in another group to see their future? And not just their movies, but even further before they get to watch their movies!? Are you even paying ATTENTION TO ME!"

"No, I'm not, because I really don't care about what you're saying 'cause I'm doing it anyway. Their movies can wait and we have more than one theater. It is my mind palace after all."

"Have you been watching Sherlock without me?"

"No, I've been watching Danny Phantom without you."

With that I walk through the door to retrieve some very special people (and others). I can hear my sister yelling at me, saying that's even worse and that she'll break the tv, but I still have my kindle, phone, and the Internet so, yeah. Don't really need the tv, so go ahead and break it, it doesn't record shows anyways (and even with 22 fandoms there's still times where nothing's on). I open the door to another theater and sit on the stage, my legs dangling of the ledge as I decide who to get first. I concentrate on the holographs in front of me.

"Well, let's see. Jack's having fun; I can interrupt that, Hiccup and Toothless are friends; perfect timing, Punzie's still singin' in her tower, and Merida has just finished drinking from the Fire Falls, or whatever it's called. So current time is perfect to kidnap them. WAIT! Sarah. She's still sleeping?! I like her."

With that I wave my hand knocking all characters unconscious and having them land in two piles. One of the main characters (Hiccup, Toothless, Jack, Sarah, Merida, and Rapunzel) and on the other everyone else (Vikings, Coronans, Guardians, people from the clans, and Lovelerians).

I look up. The main characters are in a pile in one corner of the room (Toothless is next to them and not on top, or else 'OW!' for everyone under him) and everyone else is in one great big giant pile (the bigger they are the farther down they are, aka Stoick and King Furgus are at the bottom (they're so tall!!)) I become invisible. Oh this is gonna be good! #evilsmirk! Stoick is the first to wake up.

"I demand to know who did this!" He yells waking everyone up and sending them into a panic. Great. Just great. I create a microphone to help me.

"SHUT IT!" I scream at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking.

Everyone looks around with pure terror on their faces. All piles are nonexistent now that everyone is off of eachother. I forgot that I was invisible, oops. Oh well, time to have fun! #evilsmirk2x! Still invisible, I start talking.

"I have brought you all here to watch a movie. For those of you who don't know what a movie is, it is a moving picture that makes sound and tells a story. In some cases the story is fake, but this one is about your future." Gasps and murmurs of awe and fear run throughout the theater.

It's been long enough. I make myself visible, showing my blonde braid that hangs over my right shoulder, jeans, and purple t-shirt. My blue eyes scan the crowd as I scooch backwards on the stage so I can get up from how I was sitting before.

"My name's Stella and I'll be your host for however long you stay here." I curtsy dramatically. "Now if everyone would move away from the center of the room; I haven't added any chairs yet, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to sit on the floor."

Adding the chairs (the main characters and I get bean bags (Toothless gets a very large flat one that's indestructible)) I tell everyone where to sit.

Vikings | Highlanders


Lovelerians | Coronans


Toothless, Hiccup, Jack, Sarah, Rapunzel, Merida


"Is everyone ready, or do you have questions?" I call from my spot, remote in hand.

"Why are we doing this?" A guy from behind me asks.

"Because we can. Any other questions?" I wait a bit. "No? Ok. Without further ado I present to you, The Legend of Seasons and Love!"

 Without further ado I present to you, The Legend of Seasons and Love!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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