100. Meeting Sweden

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OKAY I HAD TO DO THIS UPDATE EVEN THOUGH I WAS PLANNING ON UPDATING ONE OF MY NEW STORIES BUT I CAME ON WATTPAD THIS EVENING AND SAW, THIS STORY NOW HAS OVER 150,000 READS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! *runs around screaming and cheering with Superheroes by The Script playing in the background* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SUPERHEROES! I never ever really ever thought this story would do so well! And it has got over 6,000 votes too! AMAZING! UNBELIEVABLE! YOU SUPERHEROES ARE SO WONDERFUL AND I LOVE YOU AND DON'T DESERVE YOU ALL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What are you doing reading this guys? Lol, I hope you enjoyed this update, PART 100 TOO WOOHOO!! Please can you vote and comment on it and follow me on twitter @carycebrierley too! Check out my other stories too if you want! I! LOVE! YOU! PEACE!


"So you'll be in Sweden for a few days then Italy?" Billy asked me over Skype. I was on a plane from London to Stockholm with my parents to go meet my Grandparents and the rest of my Dad's family there. 

"Yeah, then we will be in Italy over the new year." I told him nibbling on fruit bag Mom got me from the air hostess lady. Speaking of Mom she was sleeping right now with her hands resting on her tummy and Dad was between her and me looking at the iPad at Billy.

"Do you think your grandparents will like me? Do you think they will be okay with us?" He asked concerned. I had noticed in some of the comments of my ten facts about me video, some people had commented saying I shouldn't be in a relationship. I didn't get why though and neither did Billy. We love each other and care for each other even if it might not be a grown up relationship. But, it still was confusing to me and I wanted to talk to one of my parents or both of them about it. 

"They will Billy don't worry. Your grandma might be a little protective though Minty." Dad said ruffling his messy brown hair. I frowned looking down thinking more about what I wanted to talk about to one of my parents. I then looked up at Billy. 

"Billy, umm, I think we're nearly in Sweden so, I need to turn off my iPad." I lied biting my lip. I already knew Dad would be frowning at me and I saw Billy pout. 

"Aww, well, will you call me again soon so I can meet your grandparents?" He asked and I nodded.

"Promise. I miss you and love you!" I said to him smiling.

"Love you too Mintypie! See you!" He said back waving then ended the Skype call. I then went off Skype and locked the iPad letting Dad take it off me and put it away in his bag. 

"Minty, you just lied to Billy." He said disappointed and crossed his arms. 

"I know..." I muttered feeling ashamed of myself. "But I wanted to talk to you about something and it was to do with Billy, and it would be kinda awkward talking about him in front of him right?" I asked looking up at my Dad and hoped he wouldn't be mad.

"You could have waited until after you finished talking to him," Dad shrugged.

"I know," I nodded and shifted a bit in my chair. "But I really wanted to talk to you now because it's bugging me Dad and I feel like I might explode if I don't." I said and threw my arms out to the side to make an explosion. 

"Okay, go ahead." Dad said and rested his elbow closest to me on the arm of the chair that was between us. 

"Okay, I saw some comments on the video I did that where I told the people watching I was with Billy, and there were people saying mean things about me and Billy. I don't understand why Dad do you?" I asked him. Dad sighed looking a bit confused then rubbed his cheeks with his hand in thought.

"Well, Minty being in a relationship with somebody is really grown up and you being so young some people might think it is wrong for you to be in a relationship. You don't fully understand what it means to be in a relationship, the things that go with it and what you do in a relationship." I frowned even more at my Dad's words. 

"But I love Billy," I stated and he put his arm over my shoulders.

"I know you did kid, for some reason you do, but you may decided when you get over you might love other people. You may decided you love Billy as a friend, you might go back to just being friends or maybe even when you are older you really do love each other and want to be in a relationship like me and your Mom." He explained rubbing my arm slightly. I looked down frowning. I felt confused, about my own feelings now, and I also regretted ending the Skype call with Billy because I wanted to talk to him about feelings. But I couldn't because there was an announcement from one of the people that worked on the plane that we were about to land in Stockholm. I smiled seeing Mom wake up.


"Felix! Felix!" I saw Mom waved to me and my family with my Dad as we got out of customs. I smiled and waved back getting a wave from my Dad too.

"Is that Johanna I just heard?" Marzia asked looking up from her phone, probably texting her Mom to let her know we landed safely. Like me and Marzia's Dad we were even more concerned for Marzia now she was carrying our son or daughter. She'd also been looking at comments for suggestions for baby names from the Bros and the Marzipans and...Minty's fans I guess. 

"Yeah it is and, Minty just ran off to her!" I said suddenly watching my ginger haired daughter run towards her grandma with opened arms. 

"Oh my little granddaughter!" My Mom nearly squealed with glee and opened her arms as wide as she could to scoop up Minty and give her the biggest hug she could. Minty wrapped her little arms around her grandma's neck and squeezed her eyes shut with a grin that went from ear to ear. I smiled at her then looked up at my Dad who just chuckled leaning back slightly.

"Hello son," He said and shook my hand.

"Hi Dad." I replied after letting out a small chuckle and exchanged a hug with him. 

"Marzia!" He exclaimed holding up a hand in my Fiance's direction. 

"Hi!" Marzia waved back with one hand while she plopped her phone away into her purse with her other hand. Dad's eyes went wide when he looked down at Marzia's bump. 

"My gosh! You've been busy then!" He joked and all three of us burst out laughing. After a few seconds though she suddenly gasped and held her stomach.

"I think I felt it move!" She giggled putting one hand on the handle of the luggage cart to rest. 

"Really?" I asked excited with my eyes wide. This hadn't happened yet! 

"Gotcha!" She snickered pointing a finger at us. 

"Oh! She did indeed!" My Dad admitted then he turned to Mom who was holding Minty in her arms but was struggling a bit.

"I think your new grandchild is a little sleepy, and heavy," Mom joked and Minty hid her face in her grandma's neck shy all of a sudden.

"Then put me down," She muttered. 

"No I'm going to give you to your grandpa," Mom said and handed Minty to my Dad. 

"Yes, you do need to give your grandpa a hug before you fall asleep young one." He joked and held Minty in his arms almost like he was cradling her while she rested her head on her grandpa's shoulder. We all awed and my Dad smiled too and whispered 'she needs to sleep'. We all nodded then my Mom spoke again. 

"We should get back now, you guys must all be sleepy and Marzia you need to eat something." Mom was right. It was getting late and Marzia only had three packets of peanuts that were given to the three of us and a bottle of water. Plus she was still really tired. We had to walk for a little through the streets of Stockholm to get to a bus station to get a pretty quiet bus that stopped at the start of my parents' street. It was a quiet street that had humble apartments and houses all pretty close to each other and was an overall safe area considering it was a European capital city. Minty, Marzia and I would be in the spare bedroom that had a double bed and a small mattress on the ground for Minty with a few warm blankets and pillows. Minty sleepily got changed in the bathroom and got a cup of hot chocolate from her grandma to help her fall asleep. Marzia struggled to fall asleep and was turning side to side a few times. 

"Marzia?" I just whispered lying on my side and she turned her head to me.

"Hm?" She hummed back, I could barely see it as it was dark. 

"Minty, I think is confused about her feelings to Billy." I spurted out. I had to speak to her about this, she was Minty's Mom after all. 

"Huh?" She asked frowning. I told Marzia what Minty told me on the plane and told her how I was feeling worried about she would get hurt and it may affect any relationships she might have in the future. Marzia just smiled.

"It is just innocent." She said calmly. 

"Innocent?" I questioned and she nodded.

"They are both young, they've been through some tough things in their lives so far. Minty with being an orphan and Billy with his Mom being really sick. Minty is a nice girl that cares for people and Billy just wants someone to be there for him. May it be a friendship or a kind of relationship. It is just all innocent though they aren't going to get married or have a kid or do anything too grown up. It is refreshing to see two young kids that have a close bond, not that they are the only ones, but it is nice." Marzia said then with a single finger she tucked some of my hairs out of the way of my face. "It doesn't mean her Dad shouldn't be an overprotective Dad that worries about boys. It shows you care." She told me and smiled sweetly. I smiled back. 

"Yeah. I don't think I'll ever like that little barrel, but I don't think he will hurt Minty." I told Marzia and she giggled lightly. 

"Let's try and get some sleep now." She sighed and closed her eyes. I nodded and did the same then said goodnight and I love you getting it back from her then we both eventually drifted off into sleep with smiles on our faces. 

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