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*okay so little authors note before I actually start updating this again.
One: I know this story kinda sucked but I still like it so I'm still writing it.
Two: my friend is no longer writing this with me but hey. I'll do this my damn self I think I got this! Lol probably not though.
Third: I know i said I'd update this a while ago but I'm finally doing it.
Fourth: I know MDE broke up but when me and my friend started writing this, so I'm still writing as they're still together. I don't know maybe I'll have them break up. But hey till then we'll pretend they're still together. You're okay with that right?
Three days later
"You should really go pack, warped tour is only a few days, and we're leaving in two days," Johnnie says to me.
"I know," I huff. As I get up to start packing.
"Only if you help me though," I add.
"Okay," he says and kisses my cheek.
I pull out my black suitcase, and head to my closet.
"It's going to be hot isn't it?" I ask.
"Yeah, you'll probably die of heat exhaustion, I know I did my first time," he says to me.
I start looking through my shirts. I pull out my thug pug shirt. I'm definitely taking that. My MCR shirt, ATL, BVB and a couple others. I go to pull out black skinny jeans, a lot of them at that. Then pull out some black shorts. As I'm pulling all of these out Johnnie is folding them and putting them in my suitcase. I wait to get all of my stuff out of the bathroom cause I'm still gonna need it tomorrow.
" You know we haven't seen a lot of Ash and Jordan lately," I say to Johnnie as I help fold my clothes and put them in my suitcase.
"Yeah, I know he's never home," Johnnie says to me.
" Me and Ash uses to be so close. Now we don't even talk, she doesn't even text me really," I say to him.
"It'll be okay she's only caught up with being with Jordan, she'll come back around," Johnnie says polling me into a hug.
"Yeah you're probably right," I say and kiss him.
" Thanks," I add.
We finish packing my stuff in silence. Until I break the silence.
" You know I actually really can't wait to meet the rest of MDE!" I say to Johnnie really excited.
"Oh did I tell you Shannon and her boyfriend Tyler are coming, oh and Damon. So you'll get to meet them too."
" Oh my god Tyler Hagen is coming! You're joking right?" I half ask half squeal.
"Hey now you're only allowed to fangirl about me," he says playfully.
"Huh, so full of yourself already, without your fans, they just make your head bigger," I say back just as playful.
" Of course I'm full of myself I'm Johnnie fucking Gilbert!" He yells.
I kiss him at that and it makes him shut up.
* Oh my god sorry for another little authors note but I've just decided I'm actually gonna make Ash not in the story  somehow you'll have to read to find out how though. Oh and we're gonna pretend Shyler is still a thing!*

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