Johnnie's here? Ash's point of view

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As I'm getting ready I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

On my way there I over hear Star and.... Johnnie..? talking.. I know its wrong but.. I listen

"Am I boring you?" Star asks.

"No your not boring me I just don't really know what to say, I like you and I don't want to mess anything up" Johnnie says kind of rushed and nervously.

"Ha ya okay'" I hear Star say.

"What's so funny?" He asks seriously.

" you saying you would mess things up if anything I would mess things up" Star says kind of nervous.

Things are quiet for a moment.

" Johnnie I think you should leave" Star says slightly shocked.

"Did I do something wrong?" Johnnie asks.

"No no no it's just I know I like you I just don't know if I'd want to be with you" Star says kinda confused/sad.

"Oh" I hear johnnie say and there are footsteps to the door.

I walk into the bathroom quickly, hearing Star come up the steps.

I hear her walk to her room and I walk out of the bathroom after finishing.

Going to my room, turning on music, going to bed.


Hey.. its Stormy or Ash.. or Isabelle.. or Alec.. or Chuck.. whichever you prefer.. just wanted to say.. once the story starts getting into more detail.. Ash's parts will be longer.. BYE!!!

Meeting JohnnieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora