Going to warped tour- Ash's POV

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*a few days later*
Me and Jordan are sitting in his room listening to music.
Out of nowhere he pauses the music.
"Ash..?" he asks quietly.
"Yes?" I look at him.
"So.. me and the rest of My Digital Escape, except for Alex and Shannon, are going to warped tour.. and I was wondering if you would wanna come with me..?" He smiles and holds up two tickets and pass things.
I smile and give him a hug "Of course I wanna come.. but is Johnnie gonna ask Star..?" I look at him unsure.
He nods "I think he's asking her today.."
I smile and turn the music back on and Forever Young comes on.
We stand up and start dancing and singing, acting silly.
"Hey Jordan.. wanna go for a walk?" I ask smiling
He nods "Ya.. but you might wanna change.." he smiles, referring to the fact I'm wearing his t-shirt and a pair of spandex, being I stayed over.
I giggle softly "I'll meet you outside" I walk to mine and Star's place, going to my room and changing. (Outfit above)
I grab my phone and wallet and walks outside, seeing Jordan with his back to me.
I run and jump on his back, kissing his cheek.
He stumbles a little but regains his balance.
"Where should we go?" I ask him as he starts walking, me still on his back.
"Wanna go to the mall?" He asks me, walking in the direction of the mall.
"Sure.. I haven't been there yet.." I smile and rests my head on his shoulder.
We get to the mall and he puts me down.
I grab a hold of his hand and we start walking around, looking at stuff.
He buys me a All Time Low shirt and I buy him a The Ready Set t-shirt.
We go to mine and Star's place and sit in the living room, watching Camp Cutthroat.
After it ends we go up to my room and start packing.
I pack all my black skinny jeans, band t-shirts, goodies, a pair of Jordan's sweatpants I stole, my makeup, laptop and charger, my camera and batteries, my headphones, my phone, and my kindle.
After I get packed Jordan gives my kiss. "I love you Ash.. see you tomorrow,"
I smile "I love you too,"

Meeting JohnnieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon