Ash and Jordan? Ash's POV

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So.. I haven't really been at home these past two days. I've been hanging out with.. Jordan!! He told me he likes me and I told him I like him.. well he asked me out yesterday and I said yes. We're walking around California right now, it's starting to get late.
"So.. Do you think Johnnie and Star have figured out we're dating..?"
I look over at Jordan, my hand in his, his fingers laced through mine.
"No.. I don't think they have,"
He looks at me smiling and we get to a cute little bakery and we go inside.
I find us a table by the window and he goes to order what we want..
I have no clue what he's getting me..
I'm kinda afraid to be honest..
You never know what might be in something..
He comes and sits down with two hot chocolates.
I smile as he sits down and we start talking.
"So.. Ash what's your favorite song..?" He smiles as he asks me, knowing I love music.
"Uh.. my favorite song is probably Kids In The Dark by ATL.. Yours..?"
I smile, looking in his eyes.
"Mine is probably Forever Young by The Ready Set,"
He smiles brightly, the smile I've always loved when I'd watch his youtube videos..
We finish our hot chocolate and we get up, heading towards the door to go home. He walks me home and to the front door. As I'm about to walk inside, he grabs my waist, turning me around and kisses me softly, I kiss back of course. He pulls back slowly, smiling.
"I've wanted to do that these past two days.." He blushes lightly
"Maybe you should've done it sooner.." I giggle softly and gently peck his lips
I walk in. Jordan walks in a few minutes after so it doesn't look suspicious. I go up to my room to change into black yoga pants and a black tanktop, walking back down, sitting on the couch.
Star woke up from taking a nap on Johnnie.
Star sees me and Jordan sitting on the other couch.
"Are you two dating..?" She asks
Jordan looks at me then her "Yes we are.."

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