Airil and his stupid phone

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"Does my pants look ok?" Serena asked for the umpteenth time. I rolled my eyes. Serena was my best friend from school and she was in UM for the weekend. She's studying in UIA. And she was the opposite of me. She wore a hijab but she's very fashionable. And very boy crazy. She turned around, peering at herself in the mirror, making sure everything was perfect. We were about to go out with the guys. And Serena took almost 3 hours to get ready. And she looked damn gorgeous.

And after half an hour, we were finally in Seth's car. The guys were in the front while Serena and I were sitting in the back. We were going to have some lunch and then watch a movie. Seth and Airil were talking and Seth was laughing. Which pisses me off coz he never does it with me. Bastard.

"Kay, is Seth Chinese mixed or mat salleh or something? He looks like a mixture of both." Serena whispered into my ear.

"I think he's mixed. English and Korean, I think. Or Japanese. I'm not sure." I said, suddenly mystified. I remember Airil telling me about it but I forgot. I mean, like why would I want to remember it anyway?

"Well, he's hot as fuck!" Serena said and I blurted out laughing. Serena is the most foul-mouthed person I know. And the best part was she's only 5 feet nothing and looks like a 14 year old Hello Kitty enthusiast. I nudged her as she giggled uncontrollably. Serena sometimes could do the wildest thing and I usually had to remind her where she is. She put her hand on her mouth and looked at me apologetically.

We finally arrived at The Curve. Actually Airil and I were supposed to go for a lunch and movie date that day. But he suddenly called and said Seth wanted to come along. So, to make sure I won't be the 3rd wheel, I dragged Serena along. Thankfully, she didn't mind. It pisses me off that Seth wanted to tag along. He needs a girlfriend. Spending time with him is the most miserable thing, ever!

Suddenly as we were sitting at the Laundry, waiting for our food, Airil's phone rang. He glanced at his phone and got up. Without saying a word, he got up and walked out of the restaurant, the phone at his ear. I looked at him, mystified.

"Kay, where's Airil going?" Serena asked as she tore the hunk of bread and swiped it at the balsamic and olive oil mixture. She put the piece of bread into her mouth and chewed slowly. Seth looked up from his phone when he heard Serena's question. I shrugged my shoulders, but couldn't shake off the funny uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Seth, what are you doing there?" Serena asked with a smile. Seth looked at her and flashed a small friendly smile.

"Just facebooking while waiting for the food." Seth answered cordially, all frown and coldness gone from his face. I almost glared at him.

And all of a sudden, Serena and Seth were in this nice, friendly conversation and left me out. Serena, I noticed, kept trying to include me into their conversation but when I responded and glanced at Seth with a ready smile he barely looked at me and almost ignored me. I decided to just forget it. Taking a deep breath, I got up and walked out, mumbling some excuse about going to the ladies. Serena was surprised and struggled to get up and follow me. She gave Seth a weird smile and sped towards me exiting the restaurant and marching towards the restroom a few metres away.

"Hey, Kay! Wait up!" Serena called and fell into step beside me. I ignored her and went into one of the stalls. I took a deep breath and sat on the toilet, gathering my wits. I dunno why but it's not the first time Seth had been cold towards me. Countless times, actually. So, why did I feel so upset today? What was wrong with today? He didn't seem more bastardly than he was usually with me. So why did I feel so sad, so upset?

When I have gathered my wits, I got out of the stall. I was a lil surprised to see Serena standing right at my door, all 5 feet of determination oozing out of her tiny frame. She looked questioningly at me.

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