Chapter Five~Detective Saffron

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Merry Christmas my lil' leemas! I have now got an Xbox and a ukelele, along with a chain-smokers CD and much, much more! :O 

Anway, I'm sorry I haven't updated much :( I have youtube to deal with XD So, I hope you like this chapter, and of course follow me for more stunning chapters like these! :3



Phoebe, Cami, Mirabella and I walked out of the library, on our way to our dorms. (Mirabella floated) "So, are you excited for Christmas?" Mirabelle softly inquired. "I'm looking forward to it." Cami sighed. "HEY, HOW CAN YOU BE 'JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO IT?' I'M ECSTATIC!" Phoebe jumped. I nudged her in the ribs. "OWW, WHAT WAS THAT- Oh um, nothing!" Phoebe stopped in mid sentence when I held a finger up my lips, signaling her to be quiet. After that, Cami and Mirabella were in deep conversation so I decided to take this opportunity to talk to Phoebe. I pulled her back and confronted her. 

"Doesn't Cami seem a bit off?" I questioned. "Nah, surely not! Cami, are you ok?" Phoebe shouted. Cami replied with a dull yes and turned back to Mirabella. "See? She's fine! Can we go back to the dorm now? I'm peckish!" Phoebe beamed. However, I didn't think so. She doesn't seem like her happy self, and I'm not done giving up. Time for detective Saffron to take the lead, along with detective Phoebe aside her. "We are not done here. Let's figure out why she's down!" I enthusiastically announced. "Oh god...This is gonna be cringy...I'M IN!" Phoebe high fived me. "Awesome! So first- wait...did you say cringy?" "Uh...Nope...Must've misheard me hehe..." 

Once we got back to the dorm we all say our farewells to Mirabella, who only lived a couple of doors down from us, and then got back to our duties. "Can someone help me make lunch?" Cami called from the miniature kitchen. I and Phoebe both glanced at each other, giving each other 'the can you do it' look. "You should try and find out what's wrong with Cami,' I whispered in her ear. "Why can't you do it??" She whined. 'SHHH!' 'You SHH!' 'No, YOU SHHH!'

"What's going on in here?" Said Cami, walking in. "We were j-just seeing how loud we can SHHH!" Spurted Phoebe. "You guys are weird. Anyways, who's going to help?" Said Cami. "Phoebe will!" I screamed, pushing the now annoyed Phoebe to the kitchen. "Great! Let's get started!" 

Phoebe's POV 

I'm totally gonna get Saffron back. That little rat. I started cutting the bread for the sandwiches. I guess I have to ask Cami some questions since I have nothing else to talk about. "So...Anything bothering you at all?" I said. "N-no. Why'd you ask?" She mumbled. "Oh, nothing..."I trailed off, putting the now sliced bread on the counter. '....But are you su-' 'YES. I'M FINE. NOW JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!' Said Cami. 'Geez, ok!' I left the kitchen and walked back to Saffron. ' did it go?!' She whispered. 'Didn't you hear her shoutin' in there? She's bonkers!' I replied. 'Oh sorry, I didn't hear. I was just jammin' to Death Of A Bachelor.' Saffron declared. 

'Alright, well...I'm now intrigued. Let's see what's up with Cami.' 


HELLUR! Yeah, this chapter story isn't as long as I'd like it to be. Yes, I've also changed the speech marks halfway through! XD

Anyway, yes, I do LOVE Panic! At The Disco.

I've got nothing really more to say so...GOODBYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

A Pheonix Flight 👑 (Fantasy School Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ