Chapter 1

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A planet was discovered by the scientist and astronomys, it was smaller than earth. It has the same oxygen contain like on the earth but there was no water so they thought no one lived there. But people lived there, they are called aliens.

They had the same body feature like the humans, but their ears and fingers were long. That makes them an alien.

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She ran towards an old rotten house. The house was full of potions and stuffs that are used for experiments. She finds an old woman inside.

"Are you sure you want to become a human?" The old woman asked.

"Yes. I need to save them" The girl answered.

The old woman handed her a bottle of potion.

"Drink this while you're transporting to the earth. It'll change your other figures and it'll change you into a human." The old woman said.
She nodded and hurriedly went outside. She ran back to her house and went on the underground where the secret portal to the earth was there.

She drank the potion and went in the portal. She closed her eyes and before she knew it, she was already on earth. She heard a beep, her eyes widen as she saw a truck coming towards her.

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