Your fatal flaw

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( if you understand that reference though we can be friends even though I don't know you hug your device that's an internet hug from me)
Garroth: anxiety, you miss out on awesome things because of it
Lawrence: trust, it's so hard to trust people end up losing some amazing people
Aaron: you give people the wrong message and you come of as rude or snarky
Zane: loyalty, if someone gains your trust you'll do anything for them no matter what it will do so you get tricked easily
Travis: people don't understand your sense of humour so you come of as creepy or gross
Gene: your past reputation will ruin your chances at making friends

Haiiiiiiiiiii! So wow guys we've really come a long way. 50 chapters and 3k VIEWS?!?!?! That's amazing!! so anyway I said I would end it at 50 and start a new book but I changed my mind. This book will continue since I tried to write the other and I didn't really enjoy it so I'll continue this one until I decide otherwise. But that is all for now. Take care my lovelies baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

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