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      Ann woke up and did her morning routine quick since her best friend was waiting for her outside cause she woke up late. "Ann! Ppalli we're going to be late!" Katherine,her bestfriend shouted from outside. "WAIT!" Ann shouted back irritatedly because she can't find her phone.

    When she finally found her phone, she went out of her room, got a piece of bread,kissed her mom goodbye and they both ran their ways to school.

   When they arrived, they noticed they were 15 minutes late!
Katherine knocked the door and got in. "Well hello there Ms. Ann Williams, Ms. Katherine Rivera where have you been and you were this late?" Their teacher asked. "We're very sorry Ma'am, we promise to not do it again" they both said at the same time.

Ann's POV

   The teacher motioned us to sit down. We didn't get detention cause we're both scholars, I'm the President of the Student Council while Katherime was Vice and varsities. While the lecture was going on, Steve barged in with another boy who looks so familiar. He has this orange styled hair,he looked like a badboy though, his jawline was define, and the necklace he was wearing was identical to what I gave to V before. "Well, well, well, Isn't it Mr. Steven Jones. Why are you late? And who is this boy?" Our teacher asked. "I'm sorry Ma'am! I came to fetch my friend which is the new student" Steve said. "Oh okay then, go sit down and also here's your detention slip see you later after class. And for you please introduce yourself" Our teacher said. Steve sat down behind Katherine and the boy introduced himself. "Uhm Hello everyone, my name is Kim Taehyung but please do call me V instead. I'm from Korea. My mom is American and my dad is Korean. Please be nice and take care of me. Thank you" the boy said. Girls started squeeling. My heart beated fast when I heard his name... I was about to cry but I kept them in. Katherine saw me and nudged my shoulder. I looked at her with happy-about-to-cry eyes. "It's him. He's here now. He's really handsome. He came back like he promised" Katherine said. "Yeah, but I don't know if he still remember me" I looked back at him and our eyes met. When our eyes met, he smiled at me. "Okay then Mr. Kim please sit behind Ms. Williams over then. Ms. Williams please raise your hand" the teacher said. I did as she said. When V was finally sitted, the teacher continued the lesson.

After Class
3rd person's POV

    After class, everybody went out. "Hey babe, hey Ann." Steve greeted. "Uhm aren't you suppose to be in detention right now?" Ann asked while fixing her things. "Well my excuse was reasonable the principal said so yah" Steve said shrugging his shoulders and kissed Katherine's cheeks.

    Once Ann was done fixing her things, they went out of the classroom. When they were out they saw all the girls surrounding something or someone. "What's going on over there?" Katherine asked. Ann and Steve shrugged their shoulders. When they joined the crowd they saw V. V noticed them and asked for help using his eyes. "OKAY ENOUGH! GET OUT NOW!" Ann shouted. Ann can shout like that since she's the President of the Student Council while Katherine was the Vice President. All girls whined and left. "You okay bro?" Steve asked V. "Yeah I'm cool" V replied reading something. Steve looked at it. "Oh by the way let me introduce them to you" Steve said. V looked at him and then at us. "This is Katherine, my girlfriend. And this is Ann our best friend and the President" Steve said introducing us. "Ann?" V asked. Steve and Katherine looked at each other and nodded. "We're gonna leave you guys, see you at the cafeteria" Katherine said. V and Ann looked at them and nodded.

    Ann cried and hugged him. V got startled at first but realized is was Ann, his Playmate.

Ann's POV

      " It's you, y-you really c-came back.."
I hugged him as tight as I could as I sob like there's no tomorrow. Like my life depends on it. Cause I just miss him so bad.


    She's here, hugging me again. She turned more beautiful than ever. I released the hug and cressed her cheeks, wiping away her tears, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Oh how I miss this beautiful lady infront of me.

    "I miss you so much" Ann said softly. "I miss you too. And see I came back, like I promised" I said smiling. "Yeah you did" Ann said smiling at me with teary eyes. "Shh don't cry anymore" I said sweetly. "I thought you wouldn't remember me anymore" Ann said.

    After some moments of hugging we finally went to the cafeteria with Katherine and Steve.

3rd person's POV

   After school, V invited Ann to ask her parents if they would like to see each other again.



Hope you guys enjoyed!!
So V and Ann finally saw each other again for 11 years!
So Yeah...Thank you guys for reading!

Words: 899

S E E  Y O U  S O O N



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