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5 years later

    V's parents decided to move tomorrow because they feel like there a burden to Ann's family. Ann heard it. She got some of her savings and ran outside the house.

Ann's P.O.V

      After i heard the news, I ran and ran until I reached my destiny. I bought this necklace for him, for him to not forget me. When I had arrived the store, I asked the lady to wrap the necklace I picked while I write my personal letter. "Aren't you still young to be here alone? Where are you parents dear?" The lady asked. "Their at the house, I just ran here to buy a gift for my friend" I replyed still focusing on what I was writing. "Aigoo, don't do that again dear it's very dangerous. Anyways, here choose what to wear then give the other one to you friend" the lady said. I chose the black side and continued writing. After the lady was done with wrapping and I was done writing, I thanked the lady and paid for it and went home. When I reached the house, everyone was asleep by now since it's already 11pm. I went to V's room and slowly inserted my gift into his luggage.

Next Day

       I woke up and did my mornimg routine. Once I was done, I peaked outside my room to see V's family getting ready. V was headed my room. "Hey Ann" V said sadly. "I know you're leaving, I just hope that you guys would find a nice and better house for you guys to stay in" I said to V. After awhile, silence took over us.

"Taehyung it's time! Say bye to Ann now" we heard uncle Taehyun shouted.
"You'll come back right?Please promise me you'll comeback." I asked V before he go out from the door.

     "I promise, I will" V promised me while hugging me tightly. 'I'm so happy I met you' I thought and released the hug.

Taehyung's P.O.V

     I waved goodbye to her while hot tears were falling out of her beautiful sparkling eyes to her adorable squishy face, the face that I had been squishing since we've met. I promise to see her again when we're old enough. I promise.

Sorry once again for this short part ㅠㅠ. Hope ya'll understand^^The white part of the necklace is for V while the black one is for Ann. (Note: I know V is 9 and Ann is just 8 and it's like their adults already because this author right here is just 11 years yah)

Words: 466

S E E  Y O U  I N  T H E N E X T  C H A P T E R!♥

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