Unseen - Intro

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****Hellooo, sorry for the delay in starting this one, i hope you guys like it, so please comment, vote, fan, so that i know what you guys are thinking and feeling of my writing and stories, otherwise without there will be no stories to write.

This is dedicated to Supernaturalmom or SNMom or SNM, cos she finally helpmed me to get this story started. :) thanks a bunch SNM, lotsa love :)



Unseen - Into

I was sitting and watching the sky, listening and hearing nothing. The sky is a mystery to all, yet it is not. I was waiting for something to happen but wasn't sure what. Like I was drawn to this part of the world. You see, I flew all the way to Liverpool in England, with only a feeling I had to follow, but wasn't sure what. I travelled an hour outside of Liverpool, towards London, in a forest where I must await.

I am a protector. A protector for the fallen. I cannot reveal all, but the fallen from the night sky are always lost when they first arrive on Earth. Delicate creatures they are, but that is why we are here. Someone must protect them from the other unearthly creatures on this plant.

As I awaited for the moment, and awaited my brothers and sisters to come, I noticed in the night sky, a shooting star, brightening the landscape. I heard voices while I was gazing up at the stars descent.

"Move it, will you, its falling and we have to find it before the protectors, father said we must find it, otherwise our world is doomed, and frankly I have a LOT more living to do!" growled someone from the other side of the clearing, in the thick forest surrounding us.

"Oh, shut up, Zoran, you only want to find it and destroy it, but you know what will happen to you don't you, brother dearest" said another voice, that I didn't recognize.

"Sash, if I were you, I'd watch that tongue, nor father nor mother would be able to stop me from killing you, and you know how hard it is to kill our kind, but it'll be a piece of cake for me, since I am the next in line for the throne, brother dearest." menacingly proclaimed the first voice who I presume is Zoran now.

I heard to females laughing at the exchange that I was hearing between Zoran and Sash, and I gathered they were here for the same reason I was, only they were of the undead species.

"Zoran, Sash, when will you two ever just chillax, seriously, were supposed to be looking for the star, not fighting. You two seriously need some whip lashings to get your heads working" laughed one of the ladies.

"Yes, dear sisters, were are here for your amusements, Mira and Jasna, now that you have joined us, can we get this over and done with" clear annoyance could be heard in Zoran's voice.

I better stay out of the way, I cant fight 4 vampires, even though I'm as strong as they are, but 4 is too many for one protector to take on. Although I will fight to the death for my charge, I cannot help or protect my charge if I'm dead. The story is that if I die, my charge will never find out who they are, and eternally will roam the land never knowing who they are, and that is something that is not permitted EVER to happen to the star.

As I watch the four vampires sprint into the darkness towards the falling star, I have a feeling that the star will be alright, for now.

"But soon I shall come for you, soon, when you are ready" I exhaled heavily, with a heavy heart, I have much preparing to do, since my charge will be among vampires.

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