The away team beamed aboard the Survivor. Right after you materialized you noticed that you were alone. Turning on your heel you glanced down the hallways, which were empty and silent.

"William?!" you shouted. Your voice echoed down the hallways only to receive no response. "Commander Riker!"

You tapped your Star Fleet emblem. "Y/n to Enterprise."

"Y/n," Picard responded.

"Captain, I have been separated from the away team. Do you still have a lock on them?"

"We- losing communication- Riker-" Silence.

"Captain," you said urgently. "Captain?" But no one responded. You set your phaser on stun and proceeded quietly.

Riker's POV:

"Y/n?" I called out, noticing immediately that she was not with the away team. Worf looked up from his position and glanced around. There was an eerie silence lingering around the ship. Something seemed off.

In the distance, there was the sound of howling. The high-pitched noise sounded like it had caught a breeze as it faded and echoed.

"What was that?" Worf pulled out his phaser and let out a low growl.

"I don't know," I responded uncertainly. "Keep your phaser on stun."

We walked down the hallways, trying to locate the source of the noise. It had not repeated itself, which led me to suspect that it was just the ship's hull groaning under an amount of pressure. There were no life signs reported before...

"Transporter Chief, where is Lieutenant-Commander Y/n Riker?" I turned on my communications device.

"We show-" The answer came with heavy static. It wasn't understandable and eventually cut off.

"Captain, do you read me?" I tried, hoping that the bridge might do a better job picking up the signal. I had my doubts, however. "We're having difficulty with our communications. We also don't have the location of Lieutenant-Commander Y/n Riker."

"Number One, come in."

Then all communications shut off.

"All the computers are down, sir," Worf reported. "And my communicator isn't working."

I frowned. Where would Y/n go? The first step was to get the away team back together then find a way to return to the Enterprise. "Let's go find a turbo lift to the Bridge."

Your POV:

You needed to find a lift to the bridge. No doubt your husband had already discovered that the communications were down. If they were down and not corrected, it must mean that the Enterprise had lost their lock on you and the other members of the away team. The Bridge could help broadcast your signal.

The further you went down the halls, the more trashed the ship seemed. When you were told there were no life forms, you never would have expected this: Blood smeared on the walls and staining the carpets, computer screens broken, a few lights flickering. There were no bodies, however. Phasers set to kill were abandoned on the floor and ripped pieces of uniforms lay scattered.

Whatever had done this was dangerous.

A high-pitched howl echoed down the hallways. It faded quickly, but it was loud and near. Your breath hitched and you forced a hand to cover your mouth to hide your gasp.

Could this be what caused all the death? There were no life forms recorded on board... but this very well may be a new intelligent species.

The next howl was more like a scream. It tore through you like a shard of glass. Your eyes widened and your pulse quickened. You dropped your hand from your mouth and tapped your communication again. It beeped with no response.

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