Just love me for once

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"You're leaving..?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady and calm but failing.

"No..." Harry says looking straight at me.

"Everyone leaves..." I say quietly looking right back at him. It was true, everyone leaves. My dad, who's a drunk, only comes around the house when he needs money, and my crazy mother left us when I was about fifteen. I'm 21 now. I have basically been raising 5 kids since I was 15. I had to drop out of school. Basically quit my life so they could live a better one. I recently met Harry. Yes, Harry styles the singer. I don't know why he chooses to stick around, we live in a slum yet he stays anyway.

"I'm not leaving. I just have to.... I have to go on tour for a bit.." he says.

"How long..." I say breaking eye contact already knowing his answer.

"About... a year.." he says.  I nod.

"When do you leave then?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. You can come with me if you want" he says

"Harry-" I begin before he interrupts.

"No, (y/n) you need to start living your life. You need to go out and see the world. You shouldn't have to be the one who takes care of your five siblings. You shouldn't have to give up your life." He said

"But I am. Harry I can't just leave them. They need me. I need them. I can't just walk away from this. I made this my life. I know you think I have a choice but I don't. I love these kids and I know I can give them a chance to live a better life." I say.

"What about me then..?" He says. I could hear a hint of anger in his voice.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Why is it always about them? When will it ever be about us? Me and you? We can't have a relationship like this. You always are worried about them and your own problems to even consider mine. Look I'm not saying you should put me before them, but if you want to make a life in the future for us then you have to try. We can't stay here forever. Lucas is two. By the time he's 18 you'll be 30 something. Half your life will be gone." He said. I couldn't believe this.

"What problems could you have that are worst than me and my family maybe loosing our home? Or Debbie getting bullied by some mean girls at school? Or Carl on the verge of being expelled? Or Lip dropping out of school, when he is probably the smartest kid in his school and probably has the best future out of us all? Or Ian being gay and getting hurt because of it? Or us not having any money to pay for food, or the house, or clothes, or anything? And to top it off my mother is trying to take Liam away from us! Huh? What problem of yours could be so horrible? Zayn thinking about leaving the band? Is that it? Wow I'm sooo sorry that your band member wants to quit. But your lives will move on. If Carl gets expelled, no other school will want him and his life goes to shit. If Debbie keeps getting bullied she might get depressed and try to hurt herself. If lip doesn't go back to school, he might just end up like frank. And I pray everyday that people will leave Ian alone. And Liam might be taken away from us. I'm sorry if I'm being unfair by bringing you into my problems and not listening to yours. You knew from day one what you were getting into. I made it clear. I didn't ask you to take all this on." I said raising my voice but at the same time trying not to wake the kids.

"Everyone has problems (y/n). I know what I got myself into. But I'm just asking, could you please just do something for yourself once in a while? Could you please just..." he said stopping.

"Just what?" I said crossing my arms.

"Could you please just love me for once. I mean really love me. Just for once." He said looking straight at me. I sighed.

"Harry... I do love you. I love you so much... it's just... I have a lot on my hands and you need to know that my kids come first. They always will... I'm sorry." I said. He looked down.

"I get that. And I'm not asking you to change that. But if you really love me then Prove it." He said.

"What? How?" I asked.

"Come with me. On tour." He said. I shook my head.

"Harry I love you with all my heart and I will wait for you if you want me. But I can't leave these kids. I just can't... I'm sorry." I said.

"No, no. I get it. It was stupid to ask. Look I have to go and finish packing... but I love you." He said cupping my face and placing his warm lips onto mine. He stepped back and walked to the door. He turned around and took one last look at me before smiling and leaving  leaving.

"I love you too Harry.." I whispered to no one as I stared in the spot he was just standing in seconds ago. My heart was crushed. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He wasn't going to come back. No one ever does.


Hey guys so I obviously based this one off of the show shameless. I've recently become obsessed and I could hep myself. I hope y'all liked it and see you soo.

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