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disclaimer: I do not consider myself a poet of any sort but if any of these resonate then I am glad.

a second disclaimer: I wrote all of the poems in a night, with tweaks made in the span of a week. restricting how much I could edit was a challenge but I wanted to try to prevent the collection from becoming artificial, therefore, I apologise for any mistakes. I probably won't be adding any more poems for the same reason; the collection reflects a certain period to me and I don't want to corrupt it.

a third disclaimer: I write in first person too much because I'm too empathetic/selfish, I can't yet decide. I'm also a pisces and we absorb other people's emotions way more than we should- let's just stick with that as a reason.

a fourth disclaimer: copy or use my work without crediting and I'll turn you into packet cat food. somehow.

a fifth disclaimer: some of the poems contain profanities. 

a final disclaimer: the title is pretentious.

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